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lyme treatment

Can anyone tell me the correct length of time for anti biotics?
I thought I read on here once you have to treat for an extended period to be effective.
Also, if you get a positive Lyme test do you also run a panel for the other tick borne diseases?
Once treated have your dogs bounced back okay-any long term effects or recurrences?
Thank you for your responses.

Re: lyme treatment

What did your vet say?

Re: lyme treatment

I have the appt. on Monday and it is with the covering vet, mine in on vacation-thus the questions on here-just want to be certain I know all the proper questions.

Re: lyme treatment

I have the appt. on Monday and it is with the covering vet, mine in on vacation-thus the questions on here-just want to be certain I know all the proper questions.

I'm replying b/c you're going to your vet. I don't like to give vet advice b/c I'm not a vet. I'm sure you understand that and why a poster asked what your vet said.

Most vets prescribe doxy for 4 to 6 weeks. My vet prescribed for 6 weeks and he said doxy is the drug of choice. Lameness disappeared within 1.5 weeks but I'm sure that was only what was visible.

That was 9 years ago so he didn't test for other tickborne diseases. If I were you, I would do it just to be sure.

Finish what your vet gives you for the dog. Don't miss even a day even if the lameness halts.

If you don't trust the covering vet, call your vet when he gets back from vacation to check with him also.

Re: lyme treatment

I completely understand and agree..I thought there were some discussions about 4 vs 6 weeks and that was my main question, along with wondering if people have experienced full recoveries after treatments and, if they did further testing for additional illnesses (or if the Doxy covers most).I did not want to come home with 4 weeks of pills and then have to go back for an additional two and if in fact this is what it is I'm hoping that will take care of it.
Yes, I also requested a call from the reg vet when he returns just to discuss the findings.
Thanks-if any other readers have treated for this and would care to share I'd be curious.

Re: lyme treatment

My guy couldn't get out of his crate without help from me. Treated with Doxy saw immediate relieve in less than 24 hours. Treated for 4 weeks. Full recovery. Three years later. Just had a panel done on him due to lameness, thought it might be lyme. No signs of Lyme. Has arthritis, in his elbow.