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Breeding long enough

I remember when they said "if you are in this and breed long enough, things WILL come up." and they have ! I remember saying "I will never do this or that", well time passes and I might. There is so much more to this breeding Labradors than most will ever know. We can only do the best we can for these dogs. They give us so much. But newbies, keep your ears open and just take it all in and give yourself years to be an "expert".

Re: Breeding long enough

I agree with you. Especially on the "I'd never do that". Because things come up and the longer you are doing this, you are right, it WILL come up. Or you will see someone you admire do exactly what you NEVER would have, with positive results no less.

IMHO, be as smart as you can with what info you can get from clearances, pedigrees, old time breeders, and keep an OPEN MIND.

Re: Breeding long enough

I agree with you both and mostly with the keep an OPEN MIND part!! Narrow minded people won't get anywhere in their breeding's!

Re: Breeding long enough

Ha! That's what my friend said about sleeping arrangements. "Keep an open mind". OK, I said!