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A friend of mine has a 2 year old boy that is quite hyper. Yes, they do exercise him quite a bit and yes, he could use more training but that is not the direction I need this post to go. Do you actually see a boy calm down after he has been neutered? I only have girls so I can't help my friend out with an answer to her question. He is from very nice English lines and is just overly happy and excited all the time, cannot sit still ever.

Re: Neutering

From decades of my experience with rescues and dogs that I have bred, he will calm down around GIRLS and mark less. He will still be a high energy, ready to go and young dog, which is really what the breed was supposed to be. As he matures, maybe between 3 years and 5 years, he may calm down, intact or neutered. The neutering gets rid of the lip quivering and jaw chattering around girls or their marks, and makes it easier for them to concentrate on the job at hand in obedience, etc. with bitches in season in a nearby ring.

Exercise alone as in road work won't do it--it has to work his mind as well as his body, even if it is low key nosework. Swimming and retrieving tire them out more than other just plain exercise. Otherwise he may need at least a couple hours of exercise a day. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. He sounds like fun!