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EMERGENCY: Need a couple of Labs pulled in Lowell, IN

Tracey Rithaler (RiverMyst Labs) was in a car accident near Lowell, IN. She's hurt and in the hospital. She had 2 young Lab puppies with her and they are being held by the Lowell, IN police. Is there anyone in the area that can go and get the dogs? If so, please email and I'll give you more information.

I'll also update everyone on her condition when I know more. Thanks.

Re: EMERGENCY: Need a couple of Labs pulled in Lowell, IN

Have you reached out to the Lab rescues listed by the LRC for Indiana?
I don't know them or what is closest to Lowell, IN>

GAry, IN, IL? Re: EMERGENCY: Need a couple of Labs pulled in Lowell, IN

Lowell is about 40 minutes south of Gary Indiana and south east of Naperville and Chicago IL.
Any idea how old the pups are and what size crates they will fit, for others closer?

GAry, IN, IL? Re: EMERGENCY: Need a couple of Labs pulled in Lowell, IN

I called the state police down there. there are 3 dogs, Tracey had her adult dog with her too. there is a 3 month old puppy a 6 month puppy and one adult bitch. the dogs are in Animal Control for the night but I plan on calling the AC first thing in the morning

GAry, IN, IL? Re: EMERGENCY: Need a couple of Labs pulled in Lowell, IN

Update please! On both Tracey and her dogs!