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Post Neuter Seizure

I'm looking for insight from anyone who has had an experiance with the onset of seizure post neuter surgery, as in 3 days post surgery. Including possible sensitivity to something administered during the surgery. there may have been a prior thread about drugs in the past but can't find it.

While I realize there are "no rules" for seizures, these seizures are atypical for idiopathic epilepsy. While out for exercise, the boy's legs go out from under, eyes close and he goes stiff for about 5 seconds. He's alert and able to be active immediately before and after. The occurance does not correspond to a sleep pattern, no glazed over staring into space, no drooling or paddling motions during.

Parents are both EIC tested and clear. Blood work was clear immediately after the first occurance. He's had three since the first of March. No known history of seizures in his pedigree.

They do use Revolution for heartworm and tick prevention on both him and a "roommate". There is playbiting on the neck between the two so it is possible that there could be ingestion of the drug. So, I'd be interested in anyone's experiance with Revolution as well.

Re: Post Neuter Seizure

Years ago I had a girl that did the same thing, it was right after she had another dog jump on her neck. We attributed it to the blow on the neck. It's been 7yrs and no reocurrance.
Is it possible the dog may have gotten a blow to the neck or a nerve pinched on the neck from the play biting ?

Re: Post Neuter Seizure

Sorry. I hope someone else can help and their vet will.

Only one reply is b/c many breeders do not want to speak about either type of seizure, especially epileptic but others also.

I suggest they get him off Revolution.