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diarrhea in adult dog won't go away???

Since my female gave birth the first week of June she has had diarrhea on and off. While she was nursing it was soupy stool, we assumed it was because she had ate some of the after births so the vet gave us Metronidazole 500 mg. One in the morning and at night for 10 days. We also gave her boiled hamburg and rice with some puppy food because she was still nursing. The stool issue went away. Then about a week and a half ago it came back, again. We gave her boiled hamburg and rice only because she wasn't nursing anymore. It went away fast. Yesterday she began again with the diarrhea. What is going on and what should I do for her?? Thank you in advance

Re: diarrhea in adult dog won't go away???

Have you had a complete fecal analysis sent to the lab? Not just an inhouse fecal floatation, ask you vet to send it off to the lab. Just a thought....

Re: diarrhea in adult dog won't go away???

Another thought, could you be feeding her too much? At some point it gets more than they can process.


Have you checked her temp?

Re: And...........

I have cut her back since we weaned the puppies. She is back on her regular 1.5 cups in the a.m and p.m. Her temp is 99.4 F.

Re: And...........

You could put her on a different food like a low residue diet for a while and see if that works. We had an older dog with a similar issue and feed the dry ID for a while then put her on pro plan performance because it makes very small and firm stools. 1000 mg of flagyl will stop it right away so you can get it under control.

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Is she still cleaning up after the puppies? Could they have something?

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She is not cleaning up after the puppies. They are already trained to go into their newspaper shredding. I called the vet and they want to give her more of the metronidzole and they want to give her some panacure as well. The puppies have typical puppy stools so I'm not sure what exactly is going on yet but we will see once we talk to the vet more and see if the treatment works...

Re: And...........

99.4 is not a normal temperature. Best to see a vet.

Re: And...........

You could try adding probiotics or yoghurt to her diet.

When we went to the vet this spring with a pup who had a bad case of diarrhea and vomiting, they sent us home with Flagyl and some Fortiflora. It's rubbish, made by Purina with very little actual probiotic content, but the vet raved about it, so we dutifully sprinkled it over the food. It's not to be given at the same time as the Flagyl, of course.

Re: And...........

The vet wasn't at all concerned with her temperature. The vet just said to use the panacure for 3 days and Metronidazole for 10 days... We will see :s Hopefully something good comes of this...