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7 week pregnancy..slight discharge???

Bitch at 7weeks..noticed this morning she was a little temp..eating..drinking..then noticed when I checked her a slight pinkish discharge..never saw this before...anyone??

Re: 7 week pregnancy..slight discharge???

You are probably fine...a slight pinkish-tinged mucus discharge is nothing alarming and could just indicate a minor skin blood vessel ruptured with the increased pressure of the puppies.
Still, if you noticed depression (how many puppies, how big is she?) that may be something to keep a close eye on. Could be that she is fatigued from a large litter, extra weight, close to term, etc. or could be something of concern. Watch for bloody discharge, smelly discharge, vomiting, lack of appetite or continued depression and bring her in for evaluation and possible ultrasound if any of these signs.
I posted in the past that my very pregnant Fiona had a bright red bloody discharge at about 7 weeks and I freaked out, we did an ultrasound and exam and she was just fine. Went on to have a litter of 13 healthy puppies, all lived! We chalked it up to a broken blood vessel from the extreme pressure of a huge litter.
I think these bitches just like to give us gray hairs! Good luck with your litter and let us know!

Re: 7 week pregnancy..slight discharge???

It's not bloody nor smells...Some fluid dripped on the floor...light light brown..temp 100.6...

Re: 7 week pregnancy..slight discharge???

Just watch for a dark brown discharge. A spot larger than a dime. Keep her a little quiet. But if discharge dark, get her to vet. Best of luck.

Re: 7 week pregnancy..slight discharge???

She is doing ok this morning..temp fine..starting some panting this morning...keeping her quiet..she ate and drank...hope this is not an early whelp..If she is in any distress vet wants me to bring her in..otherwise wants me to keep her is on call in case I need her...

Re: 7 week pregnancy..slight discharge???

Know you are stressed. I sure was. I am hoping all is fine for you. Glad you are in contact with your vet.

Re: 7 week pregnancy..slight discharge???

Thanks for the did things turn out for you? was it an infection or???