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Swimming after breeding?

I just bred my bitch.... did the LAST AI on Tue the 12th of July.... can she go for swimming today??

Re: Swimming after breeding?

I just bred my bitch.... did the LAST AI on Tue the 12th of July.... can she go for swimming today??

You want to swim her 5 days after the last AI Hildur?

No; I wouldn't swim any of my girls at that point.

Re: Swimming after breeding?

Depending on how far out after ovulation the last breeding was, her cervix is likely closed. I let my girls resume all normal activity (on my property) as soon as the last breeding is completed. My biggest fish in the pack was bred via TCI at the vet one morning and she squeezed past me when we got home and dove right into the pool! My heart sank. She had 10 pups two months later (that was her only breeding at day 3 post ovulation)

I think people are more worried about vaginal infections if the water isn't clean, but I also think we sometimes coddle our in whelp bitches too much. I swam, biked, ran during my pregnancies so why can't our bitches??

It's up to you and your comfort level but if this water is clean and she is no longer receptive to dogs, I'd take her along. JMHO

Re: Swimming after breeding?

I just bred my bitch.... did the LAST AI on Tue the 12th of July.... can she go for swimming today??

You want to swim her 5 days after the last AI Hildur?

No; I wouldn't swim any of my girls at that point.

KI, just curious when you would feel comfortable swimming them? After implantation maybe? Not trying to start a debate, but just wondering what you and others perceive the risk to be. Infection? Her cervix is well closed by now (unless her only breeding was done on day of ovulation).

Re: Swimming after breeding?

I kept her home this time and she wasn't happy cause she LOVES retrieving in water!!! LOL. Even though the water is relatively clean, it's a pond water so I didn't want to take the change!

Re: Swimming after breeding?

Pool owner
I just bred my bitch.... did the LAST AI on Tue the 12th of July.... can she go for swimming today??

You want to swim her 5 days after the last AI Hildur?

No; I wouldn't swim any of my girls at that point.

KI, just curious when you would feel comfortable swimming them? After implantation maybe? Not trying to start a debate, but just wondering what you and others perceive the risk to be. Infection? Her cervix is well closed by now (unless her only breeding was done on day of ovulation).

To be on the safe side, my repro vet recommends waiting 2 weeks after the last breeding before swimming in the clean water of a lake, stream or pool. I have access to all. I follow her advice because I pay her for it.

That doesn't mean you have to heed my repro vet's advice Hildur. I tend to be an extremely cautious person. It's advice I got about my girls in my situation.

Some vets feel a bitch that is in heat shouldn't be swam until completely finished with her heat, even when not bred. I had been swimming my girls in heat for many years before but stopped for those 3 to 4 weeks after hearing that. We've never had pyo and I would rather not, for sure. I'm not saying that would happen but others have claimed it has to their girls that swam during a heat.

Re: Swimming after breeding?

Well I am glad to have your responses to my answer! I just kept her at home.... just to be on the safe side!
The other two came along and had a blast! LOL
I will take her in few weeks for a swim!

Re: Swimming after breeding?

I heard 2 weeks after breeding too! This is a good question with this Summers heat !