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Innova, EVO, California Natural, HealthWise, Mother Nature, or Karma dog or cat food

If you purchased Innova, EVO, California Natural, HealthWise, Mother Nature, or
Karma dog or cat food you could get a payment from a class action settlement.

Re: Innova, EVO, California Natural, HealthWise, Mother Nature, or Karma dog or cat food

Not really, the claim filing deadline passed over a year ago.

Re: Innova, EVO, California Natural, HealthWise, Mother Nature, or Karma dog or cat food

Claims can be filed until January 8, 2012.

Re: Innova, EVO, California Natural, HealthWise, Mother Nature, or Karma dog or cat food

That's weird that the website says that now, a few hours ago it said the deadlines were last year, now they are all totally different.