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addison's disease

Looking for information on Addison's and Percorten injections specifically.
Placed a rescue a couple of years ago and the dog was diagnosed with Addison's about a year later. They have been doing Florinef tablets but they are no longer working. The cost for a 4ml bottle of Percorten in Canada is over $200.00 not including the office visit and blood work etc. We would also be interested in any alternative treatments that may be available.


Re: addison's disease

We had a lab with Addison' took a while to diagnose it...but about $3,000 later...the vet decided that what it was..he was put on predisone a very light dose...and something called and I'm not sure this is right..but Fludrocordisone...probably something similar to what you said. He did fine for a couple of years..and it was expensive....I guess something about the meds lost their effectiveness...but he got really sick was going to cost another 2-3thousand to stabilize him we eventually put him down...we hated it it was so very hard because he was a wonderful dog, but I think it was going to happen eventually. He was about 5....which it came down to money...which is horrible, but it is what we decided...hope your case works out much better.

Re: addison's disease

Check out this website is hosted by the Veterinary Information Network, so has very up-to-date, valid information.

I've seen dogs do much better long-term on the injections rather than the oral meds, though pred (glucocorticoids) may need to be supplemented, at least during times of stress (such as boarding, etc).

Best of luck! I find that these guys typically do much better long-term with proper monitoring and medical management than the opposite end of the adrenal spectrum (Cushing's Disease or hyperadrenocorticism).

Re: addison's disease

My 6 1/2 yr. old boy was diagnosed with Addison's disease in April. I did spend several thousand dollars on diagnostics and supportive care during his initial "Addisonian Crash" His diagnosis was confirmed by performing an ACTH Stim test, other lab work and Ultrasound. Now that he is stabile he's like a new dog other than a crappy looking coat. He's a big boy so he requires and entire 4ml vial of Percortin every 25 days $150.00 per vial, a Renal Profile every 2 months and he is on low doses of prednisone 2.5 mgs every 10 days. For me....I'll cut corners elsewhere in my budget to provide for him, but it is very expensive. The Percortin will be given for the rest of his life.....I hope it's a long and comfy life. He's a wonderful boy! Best of luck with your dog....

Re: addison's disease

Addisons Disease is not a death sentence. I don't have a dog with , BUT I have it. The dog must first have the ACTH test and desperately needs a Vet with some endocrinolgy backgroud.
Prednisone is not the the drug of choice, that is old school, and will come with a miserable boatload of side effects.
Hydrocortisone and Florinef should be given with the the major dosage in the morning and then another one at night, perferably. The dog may need meds 3 times a day , untill the meds help return the body to its normal .
This needs done today. If not gotten under control , the Addisons will destroy the Thyroid/Adrenals/ then go on to the kidneys , a stroke is the final scene. An Addisons "Crisis" can kill you/dog . And you literally have minutes to get that dog to a Vet for an emergency injected dosage. This disease can be managed, it's a lifestyle change. Do not leave dog out in heat or cold weather , even with meds , their body can no longer adjust to either extreme temps. And give the dog all the water they can drink.]
If you have any questions , feel free to email me.

Re: addison's disease

My boy is a relatively new Addisonian and is slowly being weaned off of prednisone. At 97 lbs. is getting 2.5 mgs. every 10 days. I am hoping that he'll soon be off the Prednisone. Prednisone is a drug that in dogs is used in the beginning and then given at times of stress. Trust me...I do not like having my dogs on Prednisone but taking him off too quickly is not recommended by my Veterinarian. Percortin will be for life....and I thank God it's available. It has given my boy his life back!

Re: addison's disease

Standard Poodles see LOTS of this unfortunately and as Deb said, this is a managable issue. You might google Addisons and Standard Poodles Tari as there is LOTS of links out there for information.

Re: addison's disease

Very treatable disease, just very expensive! For big fella is worth every penny, we LOVE him dearly!

Re: addison's disease

It's an expensive disease because there is so little research money going towards this "rare" disease. The diagnosis is the toughest part, it truly is the LAST thing Doctors [human or animal] , are trained to think of.
I hope your dog lives many years , with you managing his health for him.