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Outdoor recreation

Hello all. I was wondering at what age do you take your puppies outside to play. I have concrete runs that I would bleach prior to the puppies going outside. I want to take them outside because it is so nice out but I was wondering how long people wait to take their puppies outside.

Re: Outdoor recreation

Winter litter got to start going outside on the patio at 5 weeks. I think I am in the minority, but while I take care with my babies, I don't spend alot of time sterilizing the heck out of my home and yard and patio. I have healthy dogs and I think part of it is because of a strong natural immune system that can only thrive if we aren't disinfecting every aspect of their lives.

Re: Outdoor recreation

warm weather, 4 weeks.
freezing winter, not at all of 15 mins of play with me once a day. our temps average 10-20 degrees during the day in the dead of winter. puppies would freeze to death any longer.

Re: Outdoor recreation

If you are comfortable, your dogs are comfortable.

Re: Outdoor recreation

Thank you guys very much. I feel comfortable taking them outside, I just needed a little advice on whether to take them out for sure or not! It's better to ask advice from people who have been doing this forever than just take your chances!