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Progesterone Results

My bitch is in her 7th day since showing signs of heat (i.e. bleeding). This AM I took her for her progesterone test, and I just got the results of .8.

Last winter, I bred her and we missed. She was 2.4 on day 5, 4.2 on day 7 and 8.4 on day 10. Day 10 was the day she was bred via vaginal AI. To my regret, I only did one breeding.

So my question to the more experienced breeders, does the .8 seem out of line and when would you test progesterone again?

Re: Progesterone Results

Bitches are not always the same as their prior heat, and they are not always by the book.

Given your progesterone test, I would test again on Friday.

Looking at your previous breeding, you should have bred her on Day 9 and 10, if you were able to do two breedings.

Have you also checked other things with her like her thyroid levels?

Re: Progesterone Results

8.4 on day 10? You should have bred day 11 and 13.

Re: Progesterone Results

That is a good starting place to have a number. My girl was 0.4 and was bred about a week later. Bet you missed some days last time not seeing her spot. Go by your numbers. Test again and go from there. I waited from Wed. test to a Monday test since she was so low. They are all different and even a little different each breeding on same girl.

Re: Progesterone Results

As someone mentioned, girls can be so different each breeding. Breeding a bitch now. Based on her previous progesterone numbers, her ideal time was 12-14 days. This time she was .06 on day 10 and 3.8 on day 15. Keep on testing to make sure and good luck!