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Sugestions? Stating of mastitis, just had a c-section on friday on cephalexin 500mg 2 times a day. ended up in ER last night did blood work and xray they agree begining of mastitis. the kept over night gave fluids and 2 ampicillin injections, talked to my vet this morning he said put her on amoxicillin 500 mg 2 x a day put a call in the my repro vet this afternoon just to make sure and she said leave her on the Cephalexin Ok now never had Mastitis till now so not sure waht really is the best to use I have it all here any suggestion? "Help" She is better doing hot pack too.

Re: Mastitis

Cephelexin has always worked for me, just don't give it on an empty stomach. If it isn't real bad, let the pups nurse on it, to relieve the pressure.

Re: Mastitis

Thats what I am giving at this time and pups are nursing and I am putting heat on it 4 to 5 times a day at this time not getting any worse. Would not want to be feeding 11 pups if I don't have too. TY

Re: Mastitis

I just had to take a girl in this am w/ a very high temp and a mastitis like lump near a rear teat though it isn't--- probably an abscess caused by something else (puncture, etc)--- anyhow, she was prescribed 750 mg ceph + compresses. She's 57#. I wonder if your girl's dose is enough?

Hope she gets better very soon.

Re: Mastitis

I would go with cephalexin but the vet should make that decision.

I know of a bitch that died of mastitis. Owner had the housekeeper caring for the litter after puppies were brought into the world by c-section. Housekeeper never checked her temperature after the C-section or noticed anything. Owner came home, takes bitch to the vet days later after her vacation. The bitch was gone in 24 hours and had 106 fever at the vet office. I believe she was on pennicillin or some form of it after c-section.

Ceph is more for skin related infections and is an all around type of antibiotic. I would stick with ceph but I'm not your vet. We should never take mastitis lightly. I've been fortunate never to have seen it in 20 years. I've wondered why but I rotate pups on teats and clean them thoroughly with a washcloth and warm water after she goes pottie.

I hope the mastitis quickly clears up and by no means am I saying you will lose your bitch. You're doing it all the way it should be done.

The story was so disturbing to me as the breeder has enough money to hire a bitch & puppy caretaker 24-7. the heck with the housekeeper. Let her clean the house and let the owner stay home for her litter. Money doesn't buy everything does it?

Give your girl yogurt & benebec while on any antibiotics. I would chart her temperature 3 to 4 times a day also. My advice is due to this story I know is true. It made me sick to my stomache.

Re: Mastitis

weight is 79 as still has not lost all the baby weight. 500mg 2x day that was what I was wondering finially temp this morning 102. abscess Humm!The ER I was not inpressed with .. think I may call my repro Vet. hate to take that hour drive with mom and pups but this is a really worry. TY

Re: Mastitis

It was scary when I took temp and it was 106.2 Iwas packing up and out the door. Never had mastitis before in all my years either. I thought you were not to give yogart when giving a atibotic thought you gave after coming off it,as I have some here?

Re: Mastitis

The vet indicated to me that my girl was just above the line (weight wise) for cephalexin 500, so had to give me another bottle of 28 days of the 250's since they didn't have any 750mg in stock. My girl was down to 101.2F this am-- was over 105F Tues pm (but also not letting milk down as your girl is). Scary stuff.

Re: Mastitis

Baytril did the trick with my girl.. She kept having reoccurances with other antibiotics... She nursed initially but the pups could not nurse while on the Baytril. Temp was 106 and the teat was close to rupturing. It came on very quickly... Best with your girl.

Re: Mastitis

Agree with above poster-my girl went from being normal at the 3 a.m. feeding to a 103 temp and red enlarged teat at 6 a.m. I started wet warm compresses and massaging the teat (and you really have to work it). Had her to the vet by 8 a.m. temp was up to 105-called repo vet from the office and he said baytril immed (pups were 6 days old) and the massaging compresses every hour on the hour. Within 48 hrs she was back to normal. I know some are afraid of the baytril but the repro vet (well known) assured us at this stage of development it was fine. That was over 2 years ago and all pups are fine.
Hope this helps

Re: Mastitis

I had a bitch who was deathly ill with mastitis 2 yrs ill, she could barely lift her head ( I had to turn her every hour, or she would just lay there, and I had to carry her, she couldn't walk ), my vet had her on keflex, penicillin injections, and I gave her IV fluids at home. I had to spoon feed her also. He gave her a cortisone injection also, her milk nearly dried up, but I was lucky to have a bitch with month old pups, who graciously allowed the newborns nurse from her several times a day ( before her own 9 pups they'd suck her dry! ) this bitches temp dropped once her abcess drained, and she fairly quickly recovered after that. we did lose 2 pups, but she had given birth to a very large litter, and had tons of milk to begin with.
her subsequent breeding, she had a singleton, and I gave her antibiotics at whelping and for the first 10 probs.
she is currently expecting a litter in a couple weeks....fingers crossed!

Re: Mastitis

Cecilie, what was the name of the antibiotic you gave your girl at whelping for 10 days ?

My pups got a bad skin infection a couple days after the dam and pups left the emergency room. I think it was because of some bacteria that came in contact with my dam's teets when she was on the radiograph table. I took the pups home and they nursed. I should have cleaned up my dam's underbelly good. The pups had to be on anticiotics for a week..cephalexin

Re: Mastitis

I gave her a shot of penicillin, then keflex daily for 10 days ( plus probiotics daily ) , and I forgot to mention, I cleaned her breasts, and vulva each time she came in from a potty break with a dilute chlorhexidine solution, and patted dry. ( it was rainy season )

Re: Mastitis

Thanks everyone her temp has been 102.5 all day today and I have been putting very warm compress on her every couple hours. Just increased her cephalexin to 1500 mg a day as she is still at 80lbs from pups. mastitis already going down. "So far so good" First for us and never want it again.

Re: Mastitis

So happy to read your girl is responding.. Just keep a close eye on her even if it appears to be gone as it can reoccur quickly...