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Xtra Prayers Update:

Good Morning all...Last Evening I got the call from my vet that I've been waiting for! I posted for Xtra Prayers for my boy Gauge, well thanks it worked! The tumor was a MCT but the excision went well and all borders/margins are clean!!! I will just be xtra careful and have my hands on him all the time. I caught this one early and there is little to no chance of the tumor returning to this area. But have to be aware and keep checking him...Again thanks for all the support..Keep cool and have a great day!!!

Re: Xtra Prayers Update:

Shelby, Did the path report tell you the grade of the tumor and the mitotic index? Glad everything went well and margins are clean. Kate

Re: Xtra Prayers Update:

Just a mention, do a weekly check all over his body, not just the surgical site. If you feel anything suspicious on one side of the body, and not sure if it's normal, you have the over side of the body to feel and compare. If still unsure if you found something, always have your vet check to be on the safe side.

Re: Xtra Prayers Update:

Yes it was a grade 1 tumor. And believe me He is going to get really sick of me. My hands are going to be all over his body every day! But thanks again!!

Re: Xtra Prayers Update:

Fabulous! I am really happy for you and him.