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Stevens County, Washington

We are looking at this area as a possible seasonal retirement location, maybe eventually permanent. I have tried to find dog or kennel regulations online and haven't been very successful--only finding out info about licenses in town and vicious dog legislation.

Two questions:

Can anyone tell me what the laws are for kennels out in the country--number of dogs, need a breeding kennel license, etc?

Can anyone tell me more about the area in general? It seems to have a fairly moderate climate, low humidity, lovely variation of terrain, access to lots of stuff (recreational and cultural).

Thanks for any info. Private emails would be fine.


Re: Stevens County, Washington

Why dont you call animal control and ask them. Im sure they would have the answers for you.

Re: Stevens County, Washington

Have a real estate agent find out for you.

Re: Stevens County, Washington

e-mail the planning department of the county. They are the ones that have the right information. Do not take animal control word for this important decision.
Building 509-684-8325
Planning 509-684-2401

Re: Stevens County, Washington


A helpful answer.