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limp from injury

My 4 year old was body slammed by one of the other dogs and has been limping after getting up from rest for at 3 weeks. Took her to the vet a week ago-the exam showed it was probably traumatic injury-she was put on rest and Rimadyl. She was no better after the week and though the vet said to wait two we decided to bring her in to have x-rays and Lymes test today-all completely normal.
Has anyone has exp. with this type of injury and recoup time?
Limp is only evident after she rests and then she walks it off after a few minutes.
We are continuing crate rest, leash for potty breaks and rimadyl twice a day.
Thank you

Re: limp from injury

Please be more explicit. Where is she limping? Rear, front...can you determine if it's a knee, elbow, etc.

Re: limp from injury

I apologize-limping front right leg-manipulated shoulder, elbow and "ankle"-no pain response. Took multiple views of the elbow as the vet thought that was the only joint she showed slight resistance with. All appeared normal-compared to films we submitted to OFA 2 years ago- no change. Also x-rayed the shoulder.

Re: limp from injury

Sounds so very similar to an injury one of my girls had in the fall which lasted months! I crate rested her a bit, not overly and didn't let her out with anyone rough for months. Finally it went away and she's been fine, but she would yip and favor her front leg after getting up and didn't put much weight on it initially after rising. Vet couldn't find a thing, but I think it was in the tendons in her foot(possibly a hairline fracture too) and I thought that area felt a little warm at the beginning. I also think she may have had some shoulder strain. I doubled up Glucosamine/Chondroiton and she got Fish Oil day and night. Good luck with your girl.

Re: limp from injury

A soft tissue injury to the rotator cuff or other soft tissue injury to the shoulder... will NOT show up on xray. But it could be so many things. Where you are located?
There is a phenomenal Ortho-sports-Vet on the East Coast who specializes in performance dogs and is very skilled with diagnosing soft tissue injures in active dogs.
Email me if you are interested in this information.
I would not waste my money going to other Veterinarians.

Re: limp from injury

Check to see if her toes hurt. It could be a broken or jammed toe.
Also I would like to warn you on the use of Rimadyl. Labradors in general are very sensitive to it. Have her liver checked. I have heard of Labs going down in a weeks time.
Good Luck

Re: limp from injury

Thank you, yes I will do that-she will only be on the rimadyl for 2 weeks-the first week we only gave it once a day and we are giving a lower than suggested does (for body weight).
I saw the injury occur and it was more to the front quarter of her body-the other dog ran into her and knocked her off her feet. I did check her toes just to be certain

Re: limp from injury

My 2 cents is to do an MRI to look for a chip in the shoulder somewhere, evulsion fracture, perhaps?

I have a girl who had limped from the time she was 8 months. And we do know that she leaped off a manure pile and hyper extended her front leg. Several vets and an orthopedic vet "thoroughly" checked her out, xrays all around. Nothing!!

I took her to an equine vet with some good toys and they did an MRI. Sure enough, there was a chip floating near her shoulder. It was removed and she hasn't misstepped since!! An MRI is a bit more expensive but you'll see things that aren't there on an xray.

Good Luck

Re: limp from injury

You may also want to consider finding a canine rehab specialist to do an eval and design a custom program. I found an excellent one through a canine massage therapist that I go to.