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New mother can't keep weight on

I have a girl, who before being bred, was a hefty solid girl with a great double coat and very healthy - actually often considered "heavy" by some. She's since had a litter (almost a year ago) and has not been the same since.... Her coat never really came back and I cannot seem to put weight on her; she looks skinny. It is not for lack of appetite, and her energy level seems fine - Any thoughts???

Re: New mother can't keep weight on

Have you had bloodwork done? I'm wondering about her thyroid. Obviously, something has changed, I'd start there, complete blood panel, fecal tests, etc. Good luck!

Re: New mother can't keep weight on

1. Pull some blood , get some diagnostics
2. Feed Performance Food
3. Take a fecal sample in and have that run
4. add Super 14 to her diet

In that order.

Re: New mother can't keep weight on

breeder 30
1. Pull some blood , get some diagnostics
2. Feed Performance Food
3. Take a fecal sample in and have that run
4. add Super 14 to her diet

In that order.

She sure sounds like the type of bitch that the breeding took a toll on. I would have had her at the vet within 3 months lack of weight gain and an abnormal look for *her*. I hope it took her longer to come back from her litter and she has nothing medically wrong. Good wishes for your bitch.

I agree with the first 3 breeder30 suggested. I don't know anything about Super 14 and never heard of it but I'm not currently in equine. I Googled it and the supplier said *combination of polyunsaturated fatty acid nutrients useful in normal skin nutrition*.

*SUPER 14 provides a specially formulated combination of polyunsaturated fatty acid nutrients useful in normal skin nutrition. Contains Corn Oil and Soybean Oil. High in Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. For all classes of horses, dogs and cats.*

If it works on dogs, cats and horses it must be amazing.
Can you explain more about it and what your experience has been with it please. TIA.

Re: New mother can't keep weight on

It is hard to see our beautiful girls so drained of energy, bald and so thin. I have always use Evo the chicken blend. It is expensive, but only takes 1-2 bags the results were amazing. Within a couple of weeks they starting to look better than ever. It is only for bitches after a litter, can't afford those prices for 10 dogs. Worked like a charm, more than once.

Re: New mother can't keep weight on

Thank you... she's going into the vet for bloodwork, and will try the Super 14 - she's on a premium food; hopefully she'll bounce back!

Re: New mother can't keep weight on

My bitch was just terrible after her litter, thin and bald. Felt like she wasn't bouncing back so I took her to the vets office who gave her some B vitamin shots and in only few weeks I saw big difference!