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First Time Attending Canfield Show

Going to the Steel Valley Cluster Show in Canfield for the first time.
Any tips on how to keep my two guys cool since it is the first week in Aug?
Have only been to shows close to home where I went and then headed home.
This time I will be staying at a hotel close by but will be at the show during the day.
Tips to help my guys stay cool are welcome.
I have sunscreens and crate fans.
Although if it is as hot and humid as it has been this past week, I am not sure if I should even go!

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

Hate that show. Had a dog go down in the ring, had to wrap her head in a wet towel and throw her into a kiddie pool. Never go there again.

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

that show is the hottest place on earth LOL

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

Well someone must be going, as its majors all 4 days! I know I am bringing crate fans and I bought a cooling jacket for my black dog. Pray for a cold front

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

I think alot of common sense will go a long way at a hot show. Shade, water, cool coats, cool pads...I'm sure there is no other secrets other than just plain common sense. Good luck!

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

It's the biggest handler show, in the state, everyone knows that, and if you want shade, bring your own. yes, the class sizes are large, and standing out in that ring is not something a black dog can do for long. Not worth it to me. Common sense tells me to keep my dogs at home, and save them for a show that won't kill them.

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

Here here! Never been to that show, but i'd pass for sure! Especially if its full of handlers, pass!

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

Hi Everyone,

I am involved in this show as our club's specialty is being held on Saturday in conjunction with Beaver County. We have held our specialty at this cluster for many years now and as much as we wish we could, we just can't control the darn weather! Although we've had our share of either very hot days or rainy days, we've also been blessed with some gorgeous showing weather. Hey - it's Ohio in the summer! LOL. BUT - it is a nice show and I know our club works VERY hard for months - actually we will start working on next year's specialty as soon as this one is over. We try very hard to bring in good judges for all four days. Also, we are set up under a tent and welcome anyone to bring their dogs into the shade. We always have water available and in addition to the cluster vet, one of our club members is also a vet and close at hand. What we can't do to control mother nature, we try to make up for with having a great specialty with wonderful trophies, a nice raffle, great food and always a good time! As always, we really appreciate your support!

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

And don't forget to fill liter bottles with water and freeze it. Plus, don't just take water, take a little cooler filled with ice cubes.

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

If I had a hotel room close to the show grounds, (or even not close to the show grounds!) I would not be hanging around the show all day in extreme heat .. get your dogs to the hotel and cool them down ... just cool enuff so that they don't pant constantly ... The heat will bother them even more if the room is too cool.

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

Get there early and try to park in a little shade if you can find it. Tarp to shade the vehicle as soon as you get there. Use fans. I keep ice in a large cooler. There is a nice tent at the Lab ring, which is close to the parking. Let's face it, it's been hot everywhere.

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

I have gone to that show for years. I love the show and the club puts on a wonderful show. Everyone is wonderful, there is a lunch after with a really nice raffle after the show. We usually have a fun, the theme for years have been the pink flamingo's. It's worth it and we always go prepared for rain or hot weather. So, unless you have gone, don't put it down. It's no hotter then any other show I have been to in the summer. Yes, there are handlers, but there are breeder judges too. So, come on out someday, you might enjoy the shows

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

Hate the weather LOVE the show. Tons of vendors. Be prepared for everything. Always remember extra batteries. There is ice available for sale and baby pools/hoses by the Lab ring. The club lunch is always wonderful. Have FUN

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

The Canfield shows and especially the specialty are wonderful. The Club goes to a lot of effort to make the shows classy and efficiently run. I have showed there in heat & pouring rain. I am going this year just to watch as I have nothing to show and am looking forward to catching up with dear friends. Handlers or not, it is a lot of fun!

Re: First Time Attending Canfield Show

OMG Fabulous judges every single day. I'd like to know who pulled that off. Great job guys. Wish I were anywhere near. I'd be there.