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Cool ,..... but not too Cool

We in the south battle the heat almost every year. Winter not a problem , Water just freezes a few days . our plan

1) Good shade the kind where grass will not grow...

2) Fresh , cool drinking water available all the time.

3) livestock tanks or pools with water where they can get in them and cool those feet.

4) a fogger in the big paddocks in shade keep a nice damp cool spot on the ground.

5) a fogger( the kind used in Poultry Houses for tunnel cooling system) in each concrete run ( with roof for shade, no walls) in these runs a fan to move the air. not just anyone will do with the moisture , Schaefer Versa Kool. they move a lot of air. This air movement with foggers provides Evaporative cooling . Can lower the temp 10 degrees with humidity, 15 degrees without.

6) Ventalation and air movement .

Dogs are rotated from runs to paddocks night and morning to try and get exercise. I worry what if the power goes off, with this plan they would be ok as not in a closed in area.

Re: Cool ,..... but not too Cool

Hi, Mike. Glad to see you on the Forum. Do you have a website yet?

Re: Cool ,..... but not too Cool

this sounds like your place! It was lovely and not so hot. Loved seeing your dogs and your great set up ann

Re: Cool ,..... but not too Cool

Sounds like Lab Heaven!