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Big boy - little girl

Absolutely everything looks perfect about this breeding. Beautiful typey dogs. Great clearances. Perfect pedigree combination. Fabulous temperaments.

Just one concern. She is really small - at the bottom end of the standard if that. He is really big - probably closer to the top with lots of bone. Am I asking for trouble mating these two?

Anyone bred two of such different sizes? How did it work out?

Re: Big boy - little girl

What are you afraid of if you would go ahead with this breeding???

Re: Big boy - little girl

Little bitch - large puppies.

Re: Big boy - little girl

yes, besides, you are not going to get medium size puppies. you are going to get small puppies and large puppies. Breed to a correct size dog to improve your bitches' size.

Re: Big boy - little girl

Actually, a mix of large and small offspring would not worry me. I only wonder about whelping concerns.

So here is my question once again -- Anyone bred two of such different sizes? How did it work out?

Re: Big boy - little girl

It seems like it is the same poster on this thread posting several times. I have bred a small bitch to a larger dog. I have always heard the puppies will either be large or small. Now I don't believe that is the exact. I improved on the size of my bitch with both of my keepers being taller than their mother and both being within the labrador retriever standard for height. One of my keepers is a bitch and she is taller than her mother and good size. The other keeper I have is a male and he is shorter than his father which is what I prefer and within the standard for a male.

This girl of mine was able to whelp this litter without any problems. I could not say it would be this way for every bitch. Maybe consider to schedule a c-section in advance just to avoid any complications. Is this going to be your bitches first litter? Has she whelped a litter before? That might help to decide if she is a good whelper or not.

Re: Big boy - little girl

I had a very large male and he was often used by females on the very small size hoping to improve size. I found that consistently he produced boys just like himself. The females could go either way depending on the "strength" of the dams line. If they came from a strong bitch line the female puppies still took after mom. There were never any whelping problems on the dams side.

Re: Big boy - little girl

Actually, a mix of large and small offspring would not worry me. I only wonder about whelping concerns.

So here is my question once again -- Anyone bred two of such different sizes? How did it work out?

I have a small bitch and anything I breed her to is much larger. LOL Seriously though, the bitch controls the size of the puppies in utero and though my bitch is small, knock on wood, she's never had any trouble whelping. Her pups are always bigger than she when grown. I would not let the size of the male deter me from breeding if it is otherwise a nice match. Good luck.

Re: Big boy - little girl

I bred my little 65 lb bitch to a 98 lb stud dog. No problems with the whelping. Bitch had 10 good sized, healthy puppies in 6 hours.

I bred my big, top of the height standard, 85-90 lb bitch to an 85 lb stud dog. Horrible problems whelping, puppy got stuck, c-section, 4 of the 9 pups died. She was in really good shape, just a VERY big girl. The puppy who was stuck was much too large to pass.

I wouldn't worry about the breeding if she comes from a line of good whelpers.

Good luck!

Re: Big boy - little girl

Actually, a mix of large and small offspring would not worry me. I only wonder about whelping concerns.

So here is my question once again -- Anyone bred two of such different sizes? How did it work out?

I have a small bitch and anything I breed her to is much larger. LOL Seriously though, the bitch controls the size of the puppies in utero and though my bitch is small, knock on wood, she's never had any trouble whelping. Her pups are always bigger than she when grown. I would not let the size of the male deter me from breeding if it is otherwise a nice match. Good luck.

You've been lucky in a couple of ways. Apparently, your bitch produces consistent sized puppies no matter who she's bred to. Correct? She's also a good whelper. Again, correct?

Be grateful for both. Not every bitch line is that sound and consistent. Something was done right.

Re: Big boy - little girl

Thanks everyone, for your responses. I do recall the other thread. That wasn't me. I really appreciate hearing from people with firsthand experience. It sounds like I can relax and treat this like any normal breeding. You guys are great!

Re: Big boy - little girl

I bred a smaller girl to a large boy. Her first litter. She did come from a line of very good/easy whelpers. Eight pups were born in under 4 hours - all about 14-16 oz. Pretty much all of the pups grew up to a medium height. All bigger than the mom - but it turns out she produced bigger (taller and more bone) pups than she was no matter who I bred her to.

Re: Big boy - little girl

a bdr
You've been lucky in a couple of ways. Apparently, your bitch produces consistent sized puppies no matter who she's bred to. Correct? She's also a good whelper. Again, correct?

Be grateful for both. Not every bitch line is that sound and consistent. Something was done right.

Yes you are correct on both counts. Believe me, I know how lucky I am and am grateful for having bitches that are easy whelpers. However, I would not keep a bitch line, no matter how gorgeous, where you need to section every litter.