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Anyone use radiant heat in your kennels?

Wondering if anyone has used radiant floor heat in a kennel building and what you think about it? I have heard the dogs get too hot and it can dry out their coats, but I wonder if this was dogs directly on the floor (mat) rather than a raised bed?

Contemplatintg my next kennel building and am thinking through all the options.



Re: Anyone use radiant heat in your kennels?

Not in a kennel, but in our home. We love it! We installed our system ourselves, and have it running under ceramic tile in our bathrooms and kitchen. It makes a wonderful difference, and I can't imagine it ever being too hot for a dog. Then again, they do regulate their body temp. differently than us, so Kuranda beds would probably be a good solution, to give them a place where they can escape the warmth for a while. They may choose to lay on the floor instead, though- our dogs sleep on ours all of the time.
I can't help but mention that there are some wonderful systems that can use solar power to warm the liquid in the tubes. We just used traditional power in our home, but for an outbuilding it might be nice to go solar.

Anyone use radiant heat in your kennels?

To Hippie: Was the electrical hard to install? Did you need a separate electrial box for it?

Re: Anyone use radiant heat in your kennels?

I have overhead Radiant heat in the kennel building.

Re: Anyone use radiant heat in your kennels?

To Hippie: Was the electrical hard to install? Did you need a separate electrial box for it?

We cheated and got my dad to do the electrical. (He's an electrician!) :) He just tied it into the existing wiring somehow. You can't see any wires or plugs or anything, it runs behind the drywall/baseboards.