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Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

I'm not sure but we have what I suspect could be a dam who could be carrying a singlton pup. This would be our first accidental breeding if she is pregnant. About 2 weeks ago, our girl stopped eating her breakfast at her usual time. I didn't think much about it as I figured she was slowing down in her growthm 12 months old. She always eats later in the day around noon or so. Fast forward a few days ago, she started getting restless and yesterday all she wanted to do was go outside and dig, dig dig in this one spot. She had a tunnel dug so big and deep, she could fit her whole body in it and then some.

I took her temp yesterday and it was at 101.3 and again this morning and still the same.

My question is, has anyone ever had a bitch with a singlton who never showed any physical signs, such as vulva swelling towards the end of pregnancy or the teets not getting bigger ?

Our girl's under carriage is sagging a big but her teets are not bigger and her vulva is the same as pre pregnancy.

Her eating habits have changed, just like her mom when she was pregnant, she would stop eating breakfast towards the later part of her pregnancy but her teets and vulva always swelled up. She also had a singlton puppy on her last litter before I retired her. Her temp never did go down, she didn't look pregnant other than her teets and vulva were a little swollen. I took her in for xray and sure enough, it showed a singlton. C-Section was done a couple days later.

I was curious if anyone out there has had one of their girls have a singlton but didn't show any physcial symptoms, even towards the end other than the typical things such as rooting, digging and getting restless ??

By the way, because I don't know when she bred herself, I can only guestimaate by when her heat cycle started which I always mark on our calendar..she is due today or tommorow if she bred on day 15 of her heat. This is a typical day for my girls so that is why I went with that number.

Of course I will take her in to get radiographed but I am curious about what other's have experienced.

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

I haven't had any experience but had a friend go through something similar with her bitch (different breed) and it was a false pregnancy ...

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

i CAN ONLY HOPE this is the case with our girl. We only have 1 intact boy at our house so that takes some of the mystery out of it..still not an ideal situation.

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

I have had false pregnancy's before with my older bitch. Her nipples wasn't that big, but her "breasts" came swollen as she started milking. She wasn't digging that much though but she was restless and "sad" looking for some days.
As my bitch who is now spayed had 2 or 3 times false pregnancy's I wanted to learn more about it. So I talked to my veterinarian about false pregnancy's in bitches. It turns out to actually be pretty "normal". In the wild babysitters will have false pregnancy's so they can milk for the puppies of the alfa female while she goes out hunting with the "hunters" in the pack.
I am not sure if young bitches will have false pregnancy's??

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

If in doubt, you can always get an x-ray.

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

You may know for sure by now, but a false pregnancy would be my guess. Yes, bitches that young can have false pregnancies. I remember one little girl only a year old driving me crazy by fixating on a rubber squeaky alligator. She carried it everywhere and was constantly dumping it in my lap asking me to fix her puppy. I hope that is what it is - eventually she'll settle down. But I'd definitely get an X-ray.

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

If in doubt, you can always get an x-ray.

peggy Stevens
You may know for sure by now, but a false pregnancy would be my guess. Yes, bitches that young can have false pregnancies. I remember one little girl only a year old driving me crazy by fixating on a rubber squeaky alligator. She carried it everywhere and was constantly dumping it in my lap asking me to fix her puppy. I hope that is what it is - eventually she'll settle down. But I'd definitely get an X-ray.

We can talk about what it *could be* forever. The only way to know if there is a puppy or two in there is an ultrasound or radiograph depending on how many weeks since her last heat.

If your girl is pregnant, you want to feed and care for her as a pregnant, young bitch by an ooooops breeding. Not only as a growing 1+ year old.

That's my only suggestion at this time for what it's worth, get an x-ray or ultrasound.

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

I have had false pregnancy's before with my older bitch. Her nipples wasn't that big, but her "breasts" came swollen as she started milking. She wasn't digging that much though but she was restless and "sad" looking for some days.
As my bitch who is now spayed had 2 or 3 times false pregnancy's I wanted to learn more about it. So I talked to my veterinarian about false pregnancy's in bitches. It turns out to actually be pretty "normal". In the wild babysitters will have false pregnancy's so they can milk for the puppies of the alfa female while she goes out hunting with the "hunters" in the pack.
I am not sure if young bitches will have false pregnancy's??

I don't see why a younger bitch couldn't have a false pregnancy. Hormones are the same in young girls or older once they've been through a heat cycle. They may not always be 6 months apart for the first few cycles but they're still cycling and more than likely ovulating.

Get an xray as soon as it's safe and possible to get a good view of calcified bones. It will answer your question, is she or isn't she 1 way or another.

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

Yes, yes yes! I have. No temp drop, no nesting, no sickness, no weight gain, no interuption in eating. She had one puppy with normal delivery. Actually I had this happen twice. Once was a planned breeding and the other an accidental. Yes!

Re: Singleton Litter Symptoms ??

Ditto. Do an xray