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At what age do those of you in areas that are lepto suseptible do your lepto vaccinations on a litter going to their homes at 9 weeks?
Do you use a combination vaccine or give the lepto separately? TIA for your comments.

Re: Age

I wouldn't! It's a vaccine that can cause immune problems, not all strains are included in the vaccine, and it isn't necessary for pups who never go near standing water.

Re: Age

nasty vax
I wouldn't! It's a vaccine that can cause immune problems, not all strains are included in the vaccine, and it isn't necessary for pups who never go near standing water.

Not completely true. Leptospira bacteria are shed in the urine of infected animals. Any area where rodents are a common issue, Leptospirosys is a problem. Rats can urinate in the dog's food or plates when left outside unattended.
Anyway, I would not vaccinate puppies before they are 3 months old. No need to vaccinate puppies before leaving. Just keep them in a rodent free area.

Re: Age

nasty vax
I wouldn't! It's a vaccine that can cause immune problems, not all strains are included in the vaccine, and it isn't necessary for pups who never go near standing water.

nasty vax
I wouldn't! It's a vaccine that can cause immune problems, not all strains are included in the vaccine, and it isn't necessary for pups who never go near standing water.

Not completely true. Leptospira bacteria are shed in the urine of infected animals. Any area where rodents are a common issue, Leptospirosys is a problem. Rats can urinate in the dog's food or plates when left outside unattended.
Anyway, I would not vaccinate puppies before they are 3 months old. No need to vaccinate puppies before leaving. Just keep them in a rodent free area.

Lepto has been a problem where I live. Every local vet has had 2 or 3 dogs or puppies die from lepto in the past 6 mo.

We had a mouse get into a brand new, sealed 33 lb. bag of dog food in our Laundry area. We dumped the entire bag and set traps catching 2 overnight. Ewk! Then we had a mother mouse and babies living in the engine of one of the rarely used, hobby vehicle in our garages. My husband handled that who knows how, I don't want to know. We scrubbed everything in the Laundry. He steam cleaned the engine of the car in the driveway, also steamed the garage floors.

We haven't had mice get indoors for 15 years. It might be the heat outdoors but the 2 rodents-mice incidents worry me.

Re: Age

Never in a combo shot, if you have to give it at all.

Re: Age

Because I have experienced this in not only dogs but also a similar disease in horses, I ensure my puppies are vaccinated at 3 months old.

Standing water can be found anywhere! I dont want to risk it

Re: Age

I personally do the regular combo at 8, 12, 16wks and stand alone lepto at 14, 18wks. All vanguard.

Re: Age

Deer also carry lepto and I have them sleeping in my dog exercise area...leaning up against the chain link!


Re: Age

Well, I have always used the combo with lepto=20 years plus. YES starting at 7 weeks NEVER HAD A PROBLEM other than a vet telling me it probably was a waste of money, as the lepto would not take effect l until 11 or 12 weeks. I loved Pro guard 7 (lepto but no corona virus) used it until the new company bought them out and about a year ago they stopped making it...Boo Hoo. Now Vanguard with lepto just before they leave or by 8 weeks for sure. BUT Proguard parvo at just six weeks BEFORE anyone comes to see the pups. Has worked for 20 years plus with NO PROBLEMS..SO WHY TAKE CHANCES

Re: Age

Thanks! Nicole I use Vanguard also and the same vaccination schedule. I'm going to do the same as I always have and will add lepto at 14 and 18 weeks too. That makes perfect sense. I spoke to my vet when he got back from vacation yesterday and he agreed.

One of the vet techs had suggested giving lepto earlier due to the high incidence lately.