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Do you pour on Ivomec or give it orally?

Re: Ivomec

I use a syringe, squirt it in their mouths. It has a nasty taste.
Does your Vet dispense your Ivermec? The new Vet I have doesn't do it, its not cost effective, they have to buy a big bottle and dilute it.

Re: Ivomec

I cut up bread into cubes. Then I squirt the ivomec into the bread cube, and then I top it with peanut butter or liverwurst. Dogs love it, and I don't need to make them get a mouthful of really bad tasting stuff!

Re: Ivomec

I give t straight in the mouth. It's 1/2 to 1 cc depending on weight. They get over it in seconds and forget it tasted bad.

Re: Ivomec

But think how much nicer it would be to not do it that way? Making it into a treat instead of a monthly YUCK would be a nice thing to do.

Re: Ivomec

They are rewarded with cookies right after, it's no big deal.

Re: Ivomec

I put it on a piece of bread, and everyone swallows the bread whole. No fuss, no muss.

Re: Ivomec

I put it on a piece of bread, and everyone swallows the bread whole. No fuss, no muss.

This is what I do too. In fact, I did it just about an hour ago. They all think they're getting a special treat.

Re: Ivomec

I do the same. Put it on bread and a spoon of canned food on top of that. Gone in 60 seconds.

Re: Ivomec

Your question about whether to pour it on makes me question whether you are using the right stuff. You want the 1% injectable, labeled for cattle, not the pour on for sheep. You don't inject it, but the injectable formula is what you want to use for hartowrm prevention.


Re: Ivomec

Your question about whether to pour it on makes me question whether you are using the right stuff. You want the 1% injectable, labeled for cattle, not the pour on for sheep. You don't inject it, but the injectable formula is what you want to use for hartowrm prevention.


Good catch. I bet you are right!

Re: Ivomec

OR....some sites tell you to mix the injectable with a syrup to make it more palatable. But I just pull out 6x what I need and dose the bread...and 6 bites later...all gone.

Re: Ivomec

Where do you get the Ivermec, other than a Vet? Thank you

Re: Ivomec


Re: Ivomec

Tractor Supply also sells Ivomec....

Re: Ivomec

If you order from Revival they will send you a sheet with how to mix and proper Mike sure and get the 1% injectable for cattle. Revival will recomend propolene glycol. Order that also or you my substitute that with olive oil or the like. Propolene glycol is very inexpensive. While you are at it you may want to order an antibiotic also as Revival will send you a complete list of antibiotics and their dosage and uses with your order.

Re: Ivomec

Remember consult your vet for proper dosage and DO NOT USE IVOMEC-PLUS! Only use the regular Ivomec for Cattle.