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Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

I would appreciate any feedback.

Please follow link and look at pics.

This graying happened just 6 months after the first picture.
I received this from a pet puppy buyer:
"Our friend Riley is doing okay but oddly enough he is really gray now. The first attached picture was Riley in the summer of 2010. This past February-March he went entirely gray over just an eight week period. The second photo was taken by my daughter last night on her cellphone."

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

Thyroid maybe..weird.

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

It looks like it could possibley be Vitiligo. Did Riley start getting very white suddenly around the eyes and muzzle? Just a thought....

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

Was he neutered right before he turned gray? I have a bitch that was spayed at 7 years old that turned really gray within weeks of spaying.

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

This does resemble vitiglo. Has he lost any pigmentation on his lips and eyerims? Can't really tell from the pictures. Definitely have a Vet investigate the possibility of vitiglo.

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

I have seen something similar in a chocolate before - can't remember what it was, but I do know it went away after they changed its food.

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

This happened to my boss's lab years ago. I think she said the vet thought it was a zinc deficiency? After a change of food the black came back...don't remember how long that took, but not very long.

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

Most likely a zinc deficiency. Put on a good quality food and it should go away after it sheds.

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

This happened to some of my lines but happened when the pups were about 6 months old. Not the whole litter but I think two or three in that litter. Also happened to my Nflds. Pups at the same age. All I can remember is the fact that they started to be salt and pepper till they were all grey. As it appeared it disappeared. We were all on different food so you can't say it was that fact. I thought it was only certain lines because a repeat breeding caused the same results. I remember a pet owner calling me to say he thought he bought a black Lab and not a grey one. Their health was perfect and they all lived a good life in black, till the end. Hope this helps?

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

There is a brand of food called ZinPro by Lincoln Biotech specifically for zinc deficient dogs, might be worth a try. The company also makes Zinc supplements to add to other foods.

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

Thanks All who responded so far. PLEASE keep the ideas coming!

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks


Someone suggested it might be Uveodermatologic Syndrome.
That is what their BLACK Lab, "Dasher", had.

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

That sounds serious, but Riley is not having eye problems?

Re: Lab turned completely grey in just 8 weeks

Laura Dedering

Someone suggested it might be Uveodermatologic Syndrome.
That is what their BLACK Lab, "Dasher", had.

Laura, so they have had now two black Labradors that have turned grey at a young age? Are the labs related? Could it be environmental?

I wish I had a suggestion, I pray that the owners get an answer soon.

Re: Lab turned completely gray in just 8 weeks

The pictures are of two Labs
from two different breeders
from two different owners.

The other dog's breeder shared info and pictures with me since I was asking if any one had seen anything like this before.

The two cases do appear similar. The other dog, however, turned gray at only 4 years old, and he did lose vision in his one eye. It was an ACVO in PA who correctly diagnosed what their dog had, even though he had never seen it in a Lab before. They were able to save the vision in his other eye with drops.

To the best of my knowledge, Riley does not have any vision issues. However, I am recommending that his owners take him to an ACVO, just in case, to be sure there is no eye involvement.

Sometimes something may look like a duck and act like a duck, but it is not a duck.
We shall see what comes of it.

Re: Lab turned completely gray in just 8 weeks

Hi Laura, I'm posting hear so others can read.

Many years ago, about 20 at this point, I had an Akita diagnosed with VKH-like syndrome, she had no pigment or skin issues, however both eyes clouded over and she went blind within 3 days. I took her to an ACVO in NJ, who managed thru meds, to get her site back for about 2 and 1/2 years. It happened when she was 5 and she lived to be 12. Her last 5 years she was pretty much blind, she may have been able to see shadows in bright light, but she did just fine, the only thing you'd notice is that she'd travel with her head lowered to the ground. As I said, there was no change to her color and being an Akita, she did have a very black mask.

Hope you're able to get a diagnosis.

Good luck,

Re: Lab turned completely gray in just 8 weeks

Thanks again to all who offered suggestions.
It looks like Riley doesn't have ODS.
Here is the reply from the owner-

"We took Riley to a vet specialist and supplied him with your emails. Riley went through tests including blood, vision, and thyroid.

The vet called us at 7 a.m. this morning - all results normal. Given that Riley displays normal energy levels for a Lab his age and maintains his sunny disposition things look okay.

This might just turn out to be a quirk. He will be retested in the early Fall."