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Oh Canada

Ok, so here we are, my friend Heidi and I, up somewhere in the bowels of Canada to attend the Canadian National . Trip starts out at 5:19, by 6 pm Jack had already pooped in his crate. We had to pull over in one of the very worst parts of Buffalo to clean up Jack and his crate. It stunk so bad, no one bothered us anyway,

We make it accross the border without incident. Heading up the QEW, at 80 miles per hr (don't ask me about those kilometers) Heidi only hit the rumble strip once, but shortly after that, my rain guard on the van window began flapping in the breeze. Had to pull over to rip that off.

Jack is still stressing about his first car trip, so I slip him a xanax in a hot dog to settle him down before he explodes in the crate yet again.

As you can imagine, when you make your hotel reservations 2 days before the show, there are slim pickins'. Well a **friend** who shall remain anonoymos, recommeneds a hotel called the Northland Hotel and Restaraunt. Well, after 3 1/2 hrs, we pull up in front of the hotel. And, it's the BAYES MOTEL I am not kidding you!!!!!! Anthony Hopkins was surely in one of those showers. We did a quick uturn, and fled back up Highway 11, where we found a room at the Knights Hotel.

The tricky park is...this room that we are now in has NO reservations for tomorrow night, and neither does any other hotels in this town.

And I really have no idea of what I'm typing at the moment because the lens on my glasses fell out and I am on my second glass of Cab, and Heidi is whinning her ass off about not being able to show her own dog tomorrow!!!!!!

Stay tuned.there's surely more to follow


Re: Oh Canada

Well, if the pooping continues.....head on up to Huntsville and I'll give you an address.......lake for Jack to swim in and he'll get to smelling good, and a cottage with great coffee!

Good Luck at the National!

Re: Oh Canada

Gotta love a road trip ! [from hell]

Re: Oh Canada

Hahaha! Sounds like my first trip to Detroit, back in the late '60s, through Canada, which was an experience, to say the least. My friend put it in writing and I cried from laughing every time I read .
Have fun.

Re: Oh Canada

Jill and Heidi, they say things happen in threes so you reached your level and now just good things to happen! Have fun and go home with ribbons!! Lots of ribbons!

Re: Oh Canada

And I thought it was --- "SH_T HAPPENS!"

OMG -- Who said that???

Re: Oh Canada

I wish more folks would entertain us with stories of their road trip aventures. What fun--please continue!

Re: Oh Canada

woooo-hooooooo Oh Canada, home of Timmy Ho’s .... ya done good by us. The Yogster took WD/BOW, and his little brother Jack (expertly handled by my favorite junior handlers mum) went RWD, and Best Puppy as well as Best in Sweeps. And last but not least, the lovely Daisy , Hiflights Hamptons Daisy (Jack's mother) co owned with Alana Becker) went RWB.

Thanks to all the club members, and exhibitors who helped make this a memorable day for us.


Re: Oh Canada

Congratulations!!!!! A worthwhile trip for you....see the light at the end of the tunnel was not a train....

Re: Oh Canada

It was great seeing you both and your lovely (read as "can't beat em") *S* dogs.

Looks like that Jr. Handler has been giving her Mom some lessons!!! *VBG*

Congrats again.

Good luck today and have a safe trip back!