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JR handlers

I was wondering if anyone could could explain how the JR handlers work. We let my daughter keep her own pup out of our last litter. We plan in the near future when the pup is old enough to let my daughter show her. I have been told by a breeder that the dog can't acquire points that the handler does. I was told by another breeder that a JR handler can finish a dog in the ring. Thanks

Re: JR handlers

Junior Handling competition is separate from conformation events. You junior handler CAN show her pup in conformation, and get points. And, she can also show him in Junior Handling competition. The points go to the dog in conformation, and to the handler in juniors. She can do both (MANY do!)There is an age limit in juniors 9I believe it is 9 to under 18). But there is no age limit for a handler in conformation (as long as the handler has full control of the dog) Go for it! It is a great way for a child to get ring experience, and to meet some really nice friends! These kids just don't have time to get in trouble!