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Jersey Skylands LRC Specialties Sept. 2 & Sept. 3 2011

Jersey Skylands LRC will be having our back-to-back Specialties on Friday & Saturday, Sept. 2nd & 3rd.
We have a beautiful location held away from the All-Breed show with plenty of parking.
Location: Sussex County Fairgrounds
Plains Rd.,Augusta, New Jersey
Enter in Conjunction with NEWTON KENNEL CLUB (Superintendent: MB-F)
Friday Judges:
Jean-Louis Blais (Chablais-Canada) - All Reg, Non-Reg, & Intersex Classes
Madeleine Charest (Chablais-Canada)- Puppy Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes
Saturday Judges:
Pierrette McLean (Castlegar-Canada) - All Reg, Non-Reg. & Intersex Classes
Kim Beverly (Pirate-Canada)- Puppy Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes

Please come and join us for a wonderful two day event. We look forward to seeing you there!
If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me:
Sharon Celentano -

Re: Jersey Skylands LRC Specialties Sept. 2 & Sept. 3 2011

Note:, We have a 12 -15 month & 15 - 18 month regular class (as well as sweeps).