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Puppy with hock over angulation

This is a new one for me.
I have a 6 weeks old Lab puppy with German shepherd like rear legs.
He is kind of lazy and one of the biggest puppies at 9 pounds.
He almost plants his whole feet (Hocks) when standing but not all the time. No clacks and no pain. He runs and plays as normal. I can stack him and he looks awesome when I pull his hocks back to make them perpendicular to the table. He walks, runs and sits like a German Shepherd puppy.
I wonder if he just has very long bones (tibia), or if there could be something more serious going on.
Has anyone have a puppy like this before.
He is going to a pet home with a wonderful family, but I want to make sure he is a sound puppy.
Thank you!

Re: Puppy with hock over angulation

I had a puppy from a litter that will be 2 in Dec. I thought she was never going to be able to stand with any strength in her rear. Today she has nice angles and is very sound. She is extremely athletic and can run, turn and jump like you wouldn't believe. Haven't done any pre-lims but I would be surprised if she was anything less than good. You can see pictures of her on my website.

Re: Puppy with hock over angulation

Thanks for your input. It makes me feel better. I would hate to let go a puppy that have a health issue.