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LQ Stud Issue

Has anyone received their LQ stud issue yet?

Re: LQ Stud Issue

Hoflin publishes the mailed dates on their website. Does not look like it has been mailed yet. If I remember correctly it is usually mid - late August that I receive mine.

Re: LQ Stud Issue

It used to arrive late July.

Re: LQ Stud Issue

Has anyone received a LQ yet?

Re: LQ Stud Issue

Hopefully the Summer LQ will arrive before Fall starts!

Re: LQ Stud Issue

Here waiting too!

Re: LQ Stud Issue

There should be people that has already received it.

Re: LQ Stud Issue

According to the Hoflin Mailed dates...the next issue has not yet been mailed.

Re: LQ Stud Issue

Not yet...
According to the Hoflin Mailed dates...the next issue has not yet been mailed.

so what date does it mail?

Re: LQ Stud Issue

I just renewed mine by phone on Thursday, and they told me I was in luck, that I just squeaked in under the wire, that the stud issue had not been sent out yet....