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Age to Neuter/Spay

I didn't want to hijack the dysplasia thread but what are breeders recommending regarding age to neuter or spay their pet puppies? I think 6 months is early.

Re: Age to Neuter/Spay

Re: Age to Neuter/Spay

I prefer that people wait until 2 years old to spay and neuter. But the kind of people who are trustworthy to keep dogs and bitches intact until 2 years old often don't want to wait that long. They just don't like dealing with intact dogs and bitches, which serves no purpose as far as they are concerned.

In the case of untrustworthy or just uninformed people, the risks of pregnancy probably outweighs the advantages of waiting until 2 years old. I try to educate and to avoid those people I don't completely trust.

Really good question because I've seen all the literature about health problems associated with early spay/neuter but I haven't yet heard recommendations about how you as a breeder might handle waiting longer for spay and neuter among people who are pet owners.

Re: Age to Neuter/Spay

I ask my puppy buyers to wait and tell them why. But in the end, it's THEIR dog once the money has exchanged hands. I find that it's better to have a good and loving family for the dog and not stress too much when they altered the animal.

Re: Age to Neuter/Spay
Re: Age to Neuter/Spay

Thanks for the article. I still am interested in hearing how people answer the OP's question. The article says 14 months. Why 14 months? Some of my bitches don't have their first seasons until they are nearly 2 years old. Certainly the boys aren't really sexually mature in terms of their physical development until they are nearly 3.

The best article I've found

When To Spay, When to Neuter

Kate, I think most people recommend 14 months since that's usually around the time the growth plates close. My girls are like yours, 18-22 months is the norm for the first season.

Re: The best article I've found

Great article, Laura. I think I will use it in puppy packets. Thanks, I hadn't seen this article, and it is the best I have seen too.

I am still left wondering about the age of spay/neuter.
Yes, 14 months makes sense when it comes to growth plates, but what about the other problems, especially incontinence? Is 14 months sufficient delay to prevent incontinence, and the other problems?

In general my puppies go to an educated group of people. When they delay spay/neuter, they want a reason that makes up for the difficulty of having intact dogs. I don't have good answers for their questions because I don't generally neuter my males, and I don't spay females until middle age.

Re: The best article I've found

Kate Fulkerson, PhD

I am still left wondering about the age of spay/neuter.
Yes, 14 months makes sense when it comes to growth plates, but what about the other problems, especially incontinence? Is 14 months sufficient delay to prevent incontinence, and the other problems?

Dunno Kate and very good questions. I too usually don't de-sex until later so I don't see a lot of incontinence in my dogs.

Maybe someone else can pipe in.

Re: Age to Neuter/Spay

Well kate, you do just not sell to them. If they doin't do it my way, they get none of my puppies. And I really screen them. A lot of vets will want to neuter even before 6 months. In my opinion the bitches should be finished growing and filling out sometime around a year old. If they have an inverted vulva then it is after the first heat. Early spaying can cause the bitch to have more UTIs. They are saying now that neutering a dog has it own problems. All dogs have enlarged prostates as they age. We have never neutered a dog and never had any of the "" problems. But, with pet people, they have to have a fence for starters and they are expected to be with the dog on a leash otherwise. Also, dogs on leashes do not get hit by cars. I don't have contracts, but a gentleman's agreement. Be firm when placing your babies. just my opinion and what I have done for a long time.