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Facebook for clubs

As an offshoot of the recent thread about facebook, what do readers think about the +/- of a Lab club setting up a facebook page? It's a subject that's come up with my club (Miami Valley), and one I've asked a few people about recently. If the club maintains an up-to-date website, are there advantages of a facebook page in addition? For those clubs who have a page, what benefits do you see? How many administrators do you allow or need for a club?

Thanks for any input.

Re: Facebook for clubs

My Lab club has a Facebook page for members only and two administrators. It works well for our club, and the posts relate to anything of interest to the members, such as an upcoming specialty, hunt test, awards banquet, etc.

Re: Facebook for clubs

Quite a number of our all breed, group and single breed clubs here in Australia use FB to keep people up to date with ring setups at shows, tossing around ideas for fund raising for special events, last minute changes of judge for whatever reason and any other item of interest that they may want to share. It is a very popular means of communication in this country.

Re: Facebook for clubs

Members only
My Lab club has a Facebook page for members only and two administrators. It works well for our club, and the posts relate to anything of interest to the members, such as an upcoming specialty, hunt test, awards banquet, etc.

Mine has one too. I don't know about admins as I am not one of them, but it's nice. I wish we used it more.

Re: Facebook for clubs

one plus would be instant updates, with a website the viewer has to go to the site to find out what is going on. But with facebook updates come to them instantly.

Re: Facebook for clubs

I don't use FaceBook or any of the "social" networking sites and I don't want to start. It doesn't appeal to me and frankly I just don't get the need to inform people about every little thing.

I would prefer standard website that I can access at my leisure. And of course there is good, old-fashioned email if people want to send me some news.


Re: Facebook for clubs

I chuckled when I read "good old fashioned email". Doesn't seem long ago that none of us had email and I used to come home every night to multiple phone messages and spend HOURS on the phone every evening and still need the weekend to catch up on returning all the calls. Now, I can copy and past things like the current litter's info, my cost, directions to my house, etc. It seems like yesterday we couldn't. We've come a long way, Baby!

Re: Facebook for clubs

Yup, I was chuckling when I typed "old-fashioned email" but it has been around for quite a while now.


Re: Facebook for clubs


I would prefer standard website that I can access at my leisure. And of course there is good, old-fashioned email if people want to send me some news.


Good old fashion email??? LOL
yeah the electronic pony use to carry it.