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Dark blood 2 weeks after breeding

I am concerned about my girl. She was bred 2 weeks ago and today I noticed she is having a dark bloody discharge. It does have a weird odor. She does not have a fever. She is eating and acting normal. I have a call into my vet but while waiting I thought I would ask if anyone here has had this.

Re: Dark blood 2 weeks after breeding

My bitch had a light brownish, yellowish (probably old blood) around 2 weeks after she was bred. It also had weird odor to it but she too was acting very normal, no fever, eating normal. I just got it confirmed yesterday that she is pregnant... if she continues to act normal and with no fever I would not worry too much about it. There's no harm in asking your vet though just in case.

Good luck!

Re: Dark blood 2 weeks after breeding

Still let your vet know to rule out anything else but I suspect implantation bleeding. The only concern would be odor, so checking with your vet is best. Implantation bleeding usually has an odd color, sometimes changing from bright red to reddish brown down to darker brown. It can last up to a full week in my girls.

It sounds like a good sign conception has taken place.