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Missing dogs....more like stolen dogs.

the truth that surrounded missing Cam few weeks ago is so much deeper.

Three men (if you can call them that) had a racquet of stealing dogs and waiting for a reward or selling them on craigslist or facebook.

Sheri-lyn and Scott pressed charges and there was more than enough evidence to arrest for grand theft.
two of thes guys were enlisted into the army for October.

Re: Missing dogs....more like stolen dogs.

There is something like this on Long Island, as well. A young girl (possibly Asian) who poses as a vet tech student adopts purbred dogs (usually from breeders who are retiring their dogs/bitches) and puts them on Craigs List and sells them for $150.00. I found this out because someone who adopted one of the dogs couldn't keep the dog and contacted me. Fortunately, I was able to contact the breeder (because the dog came with his registration) who immediately took her dog back.