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Help with blind dog

I have a 12 year old bitch that developed a cataract in one eye about 2 years ago. From start to finish the cataract took about 2 weeks to fully mature. In the past month, she had developed another one in the other eye and is now blind - she also has glacouma (sp?) Yes we are under a vets care.

I need suggestions on how to help train her to navigate better. In the house she is fine as long as she doesn't get "turned around".

Thanks in advance!

Re: Help with blind dog

I seem to remember one rescuer using scent trails, with different scents for different rooms. No fair using wall plug ins or scented candles! Anyhow, one thought is vanilla scented water spray in one room along her pathway, cinnamon in another, maybe a carpet freshener trail, vacummed, in another, your perfume or linen freshener in the bedroom, etc. with a concentration at her bed and dish spots. Or use a safe doggy water fountain so that the sound attracts her, being sure she can't knock it over--some have 360 degree bowls now. Let us know what works. I have seen blind English cockers and Collies who adjusted well.

Re: Help with blind dog

I just lead my girl out to the same area to do her business and she would find her way right back up to the porch. I always stayed outside with her. If she got very far away would just lead her back to porch. The other dogs that were younger just would not stay around close enough for the sound to help her. It is the least we can do for all the love they give us.

Re: Help with blind dog

Dogs are amazing. My first girl, over 30yrs ago, went blind due to diabetes. She was blind for the last 4-5yrs and passed just shy of the age 16. She found her way around the house just fine. We just didn't move furniture in the rooms. It stayed put. She always found her way around the yard and to the doorwall to be let back in. A few steps weren't a problem for her. A flight was a challenge, but she did them with us holding on to her collar for guidance. She did great. I think you'll find the same with your old timer.

Re: Help with blind dog

I have a blind little dog who is 11 years old. She's been blind about a year or so now. We've changed our furniture around, changed her routine, etc. It's amazing how incredibly adaptable she is. She walks slowly and kind of bobs her head if she "senses" something in her way. But she jumps on and off the couch, goes up and down a flight of stairs, sleeps on my bed, uses the doggy door, and loves to go outside in the yard to play. Once in a while she lightly bumps into something, but never hard enough to injure herself. She makes the proper adjustment and continues on her way. She's happy and healthy and does not seem to be bothered by not having sight anymore.

Re: Help with blind dog

I highly suggest the book LIVING WITH BLIND DOGS. I got my book from Amazon. Great tips and ideas in that book, very informative.