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conflict or okay?

Is it okay to show a dog you own to a sweeps judge that you co own other dogs with?????

Re: conflict or okay?

No, it is NOT okay.
Regardless of what the judge does, it will make you both look bad.

Re: conflict or okay?

I thought it was against AKC protocol to show a dog that is owned/co-owned under a judge that owns/ co-owns the dog.

Re: conflict or okay?

It is.

This topic has been discussed enough times that you can search for it on the forum

Re: conflict or okay?

?? Could you read the question. She doesn't co own the dog with the judge she wants to show.

Re: conflict or okay?

Co-owning any dogs (even in another breed) with a judge means you have a business relationship with that judge and may not enter under them. The same rules apply for sweeps judges. There was a good discussion here a couple of weeks ago - here's the link:

Showing to a sweeps judge

Re: conflict or okay?

So if someone does this, what can be done about it?

Re: conflict or okay?

You can make a formal complaint to the AKC, and any points or placements the dog may win would be disallowed. This happened not too long ago at one of the major Lab specialties

Re: conflict or okay?

It's time we are held accountable for our actions and even if only in sweeps, it still is inappropriate conduct and this person actually made money from their illegal entry.
Is there a form or does the complaint need to be phoned into AKC?

You can make a formal complaint to the AKC, and any points or placements the dog may win would be disallowed. This happened not too long ago at one of the major Lab specialties

Re: conflict or okay?

It's time we are held accountable for our actions and even if only in sweeps, it still is inappropriate conduct and this person actually made money from their illegal entry.
Is there a form or does the complaint need to be phoned into AKC?

You can make a formal complaint to the AKC, and any points or placements the dog may win would be disallowed. This happened not too long ago at one of the major Lab specialties

I agree it's wrong and shouldn't happen. I've seen it discussed prior. I had no intention of replying until I read the post that said, *this person made money*.

How could the breeder make money from an illegal entry? Do you mean sweeps money? Can you help me understand what you're referring to please.

Re: conflict or okay?

Yes, I mean the sweeps money. It's a monetary prize that doesn't rightfully belong to them and they should be made to give it back.

It's time we are held accountable for our actions and even if only in sweeps, it still is inappropriate conduct and this person actually made money from their illegal entry.
Is there a form or does the complaint need to be phoned into AKC?

You can make a formal complaint to the AKC, and any points or placements the dog may win would be disallowed. This happened not too long ago at one of the major Lab specialties

I agree it's wrong and shouldn't happen. I've seen it discussed prior. I had no intention of replying until I read the post that said, *this person made money*.

How could the breeder make money from an illegal entry? Do you mean sweeps money? Can you help me understand what you're referring to please.

Re: conflict or okay?

I don't know the particular circumstance you all are referring to here.
But keep in mind that many folks judge sweeps to have something to put on their resume when they apply to become an AKC judge.
Anyone who doesn't have any more sense than to give a sweeps placement to someone they co-own with should never be allowed to become a breed judge. So be sure AKC hears about this.