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At what age do you all start vaccinating puppies. I have always started at 7 weeks with the puppy combo. I am hearing more and more folks start at 6. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!

Re: Age

I don't vaccinate until 8 weeks. I don't know anyone that gives vaccines at 6 weeks unless it is the Neopar.

Re: Age

Actually all the breeders that I know give the first vaccination at 8 weeks as per J.Dodd's protocol.

Re: Age

At what age do you all start vaccinating puppies. I have always started at 7 weeks with the puppy combo. I am hearing more and more folks start at 6. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!

I no longer do the 5-in-1 or 7-in-1 puppy shot cocktail under any circumstances. After long discussions with my vet, and their support, I do the Neopar at 4 and 6 weeks, then do a Distemper & Parvo at 8, 11 and 14 weeks. Rabies at 6 months, and Lepto is done separately for my guys who work in the field prior to them going to the trainer.

Re: Age

I am hearing more and more folks start at 6.
Seriously??? I am hearing the exact opposite. I do it at about 7.5 weeks so that I have a few days to monitor if reactions happen before pups go home at 8 week. And I have heard of folks waiting 8-9 weeks. From everything that I have read, doing them earlier is the OLD way of thinking and there is much proof to tell you why that is an inappropriate protocol.

Re: Age

Parvo at 4 weeks and then Puppy shot DHPP at 6.5 weeks. then every 3 weeks.

Re: Age

Distemper-parvo at 8, 12, 16 weeks.