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After Neopar

If you give Neopar at 4-5 weeks, what do you use as a booster? is there a Neopar puppy combo shot that includes distemper, hepatitis and parainfluenza? or you just use regular puppy shot.

Re: After Neopar

I use Neopar at 5 wks and then start Progard 5 at ~7wks and 3-4 wks thereafter. It's worked well for me for the 8 yrs or so I've done it.

Re: After Neopar

I use neopar at 4 and 6 weeks, then a 5 way at 8 weeks.

Neopar does not have combos, but does have NeoVac, distemper. I dont use this since distemper is not a big issue in our area.

Re: After Neopar

Personally my protocol is a Neopar at 5 weeks and a second Neopar at 7 1/2 weeks. I then instruct the puppy buyer to give a combo vaccine, with Lepto, at 10 weeks, 13 weeks, and 16 weeks of age. I'm not discounting the need for a combo vaccine but the chances of picking up Distemper in my yard, or the buyers yard, before 10 weeks of age seems very slim. After having Parvo last year my main concern before 10 weeks is making sure they can mount an immunity to Parvo.