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Show attire

Preparing for my first show in October, and was curious as to what attire is appropriate to wear? Is a casual shirt underneath a vest proper or is it a must to wear a suit and tie?

Also, which colors should I wear while showing a yellow dog? TIA!

Re: Show attire

As a general rule, I find Labrador folks to be more informal in their choices of show attire, especially at Lab specialties. I think a nice shirt and vest would be fine and appropriate. Since your dog is yellow, you can wear almost any color that will contrast with a yellow coat.Just be aware that yellow hair has a tendency to attach itself to everything, especially if it's a dark color. So invest in a good lint roller and keep it handy.

Re: Show attire

Is it an all breed show or specialty?

- All breeds: blouse and skirt, blouse and pants, nice suit

- Specialities: even though I still dress up out of respect for the judge, you can wear nice jeans with a nice top and vest, it really depends on the weather

Re: Show attire

It's a specialty, Bare Bones in October.

Re: Show attire

Show newbie
It's a specialty, Bare Bones in October.

Muck Boots, wind/rain suit! Bare Bones is notorious for it's challenging weather. The past year with sun was surely a mistake on the part of the weather!

Re: Show attire

Yeah, I suggest that you take a pair of nice slacks, with a nice blouse (if you are a girl) or a nice polo (if you are a guy)

And pack for the weather (rain, snow, sun whatever) and wear whatever suits the day

Re: Bare Bones Show attire

For Bare Bones make sure you bring plenty of layers and can add them for warmth, heavy coat,heavy socks, hats, gloves, RAINE GEAR and waterproof shoes. Pack clothes that are comfortable, weather usually is nasty (even when they predict it sunny and dry)and most likely noone is even going to see what you are wearing underneat your coat. Bring towels to dry off your dogs and make sure to pack some fleece crate pads so your dogs can rest comfortable in the cold. For the past few years we have all froze at this show.