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Mosquito's in herds

My word, never have I seen Mosquitoes like this. They are swarming and thick. The recent heavy rains we had in July are the cause no doubt. It's as if we live in the rain forest. I have a net for my head but my poor dogs. I am using Skin So Soft by Avon which helps a bit and I like using it because it's not full of bad chemicals like deet. Does anyone have alternative spray or lotion they could suggest that is more natural in nature?

Re: Mosquito's in herds

Have you tried putting garlic in the dogs food?

Re: Mosquito's in herds

You might try Marigold Fly Spray for horses. It is an all natural product and works fairly well.

Re: Mosquito's in herds

Try Bug Off (Springtime carries it I believe). It's basically a refined garlic powder.

Re: Mosquito's in herds

JMHO - I'd rather use something with DEET in it to ward off those pesky critters for both me & my dogs. I don't want to risk the diseases that mosquitoes can transmit. I did talk to my vet about this and he said that if they're used when necessary (having to use netting would definitely qualify) it's fine. I hope you find something to help you out in your situation & thank the stars we don't have bugs that bad here. Good luck!

Re: Mosquito's in herds

I am hesitant to use the harsh chemicals (deet) since I have a girl in whelp. Otherwise I would.
Thanks for the tips!

Re: Mosquito's in herds

Eucalyptus Lotion - Just out with my search group on a wet weekend and the mosquitoes were so bad that the dogs thighs were red with blood, and their faces were covered... I handed it around to the other handlers. (they used it on themselves and the dogs) I coated myself before going to sleep because my tent was full.. and I didn't have one bite or even hear that nasty buss in my ear. It is sold in the mosquito repellent area of our drugstore. My dog had a great weekend!

Re: Mosquito's in herds

I can't remember where I saw them, but I was browsing through a catalog not long ago, and saw mesh face mask/hoods for dogs. Maybe someone other than I can recall where they saw it!

Re: Mosquito's in herds

I was at a pet fest and they had a vendor just for mosquito protection! The spray is for people and pets, works well and is al home made with no chemicals. Just herbs. It's called Pretty HOME BUZZ OFF BUG JUICE. Their website is

Re: Mosquito's in herds

In my herd, those masks would be ripped to shreds. I find them to be a choking hazard.

Re: Mosquito's in herds

Great ideas! Thanks so much.
Yesterday when I drove into my driveway after an errand I couldn't open my door they swarmed my car so bad! Do you think they smelled my blood inside? Why would they possibly hang around a car? They are vicious. Got to try that lotion! TODAY!

Re: Mosquito's in herds

Put in garden sprayer and spray everything including the dogs. Helps with smells too.

Re: Mosquito's in herds

to Try This,

How do your labs react to the smell of the eucalyptus lotion? My girls really hate the smell of citronella and lemon eucalyptus (which is in a product called Repel, which also works). It would be torture to put that stuff on my dogs :-(

Re: Mosquito's in herds

In my herd, those masks would be ripped to shreds. I find them to be a choking hazard.

bahaa...I was thinking the same thing, but I was going to say I found find those pretty mask in the piles the next morning.

moving air will keep them at bay, big heavy fans blowing in kennels or on the porch works wonders. Also check around your property for any retained water and dump or add bleach to kill larva.

Re: Mosquito's in herds

I guess I'm indoors too much to see how bad this is and so are my dogs. In this heat, humidity and rain I don't want to hang outdoors. So I bring all dogs in the airconditiong and let them out for 30 minutes every 4 hours to pottie and play.

We have mosquitos but not to the degree you are. I don't know what works for all the bugs this year. We're getting ants and flies in the house along with an occasional mosquito. We close the doors quickly when coming indoors.

Stomach upsets in some of my dogs has happened a few times this summer. I think it's called the summer from hell.

My solution is remaining indoors as much as possible. But I currently only have a total of 7 dogs, young and old. With this summer, I'm glad that's the case.

Re: Mosquito's in herds

I am hesitant to use the harsh chemicals (deet) since I have a girl in whelp. Otherwise I would.
Thanks for the tips!

I wouldn't take the chance either with a girl in whelp. You're being smart about it.