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Not eating well.

What do you do with a 7 mos. old female just not eating ? Just sits and looks at bowl sometimes. Just picked it up this morning and offered once more and still no. She is in air but very hot when out. But first thing in the morning when cool she does not eat. Help !

Re: Not eating well.

Take her to the Vet, she may have an obstruction, like a sock or chew toy/bone or maybe a rock, that is blocking her intestin's.

Re: Not eating well.

If there are no other symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, parasites, listlessness, etc. check her mouth for any foreign bodies that may have gotten lodged in her mouth/teeth. Does she eat cookies or other things readily?
You want to rule out a medical problem first, so if you can assess her medically yourself or have the vet check her over, that would be the first step.
I had a picky eater at about that age also...nothing wrong with her, just didn't like the food. I added a tablespoon or two of canned food for flavor, then tried a supplement like Missing Link, both of which made her eat her food readily.
What kind of food is she on? You could change the food, but if you do, you need to do it gradually, over 4-5 days of slowly mixing the new in with the old.
My girl was on a salmon-based diet, and I think she decided she didn't like fish. You know how picky teenagers are!

Re: Not eating well.

Agree with Been There....we've been there, done that. Turns out the dog just didn't like the food. Changed the food and now he eats like a pig......
But, rule out any physical problems before assuming it's the food.

Re: Not eating well.

More an on going thing. Went from PP puppy to PP Performance ? Just picky. Tryed some of the soft foods and it really does not work either and don't want her getting use to to much of that. Tonight she ate after a few minutes. My other dogs have it polished off in two seconds.

Re: Not eating well.

Had a boy do that at the same age, I tried everything. Finally I bought a crock bowl, and he gobbled his food down. For some reason he does not like the metal bowls like everyone else has. Also have some of my dogs that prefer a different size bowl- some like a smaller bowl, where others like a larger one - they really love them warm right from the dishwasher.

Re: Not eating well.

I agree with others, get her to the Vet. If he/she rules out any physical issue, then you are dealing with a picky eater.
I learned from my vet years and years ago - that picky eaters are created by their owners. He had me put the food down (it was dry kibble) and leave it down. His instructions were: don't give in. The dog will eat when she is hungry enough. She ignored the food for 3 days. The evening of the 3rd day, she ate the whole bowl and never refused food again. We have multiple dogs now, and it's not possible to leave the food down for days - someone else will eat it. And that is another way that my dogs learn to eat their own food. There are no picky eaters in my house

Re: Not eating well.

I set the food bowl in their crates, and set the timer for 15 minutes. They may skip a few meals, but unless they are ill, they will eat in a day or three.

Re: Not eating well.

I agree, a vet visit is in order however, all of my dogs and puppies are not eating well this summer. I feel it is absolutely due to the heat. Still go see your vet as it sounds like you only have 1 that doesn't seem to want to eat.

Each time we get a nasty heat wave, even when it cools a bit very early morning or later evening or indoors in the A/C, no one wants to eat much or at all. No food changes, everything is exactly the same.

I added 1 tablespoon of plain or vanilla yogurt, that helped everyone. I tried a pinch of grated locatelli romano cheese, that helped everyone too.

6 adults and a litter of pups have not been hungry. I had a couple of them at the vet earlier and dropped off stool samples. I've also had a couple with occasional loose stool for no reason. It stops as fast as it starts.

If the vet can't find a thing wrong, you might want to try a drop of pumpkin for flavoring. Not too much or she could have loose stool or try the other things that worked for me.

How are your other dogs? Mind if I ask how many you have near her when she's eating if any? Sometimes moving the non-eater closer to someone that eats well can help.

I've used a wading pool for the 8 week pups, it cools them off nicely then I towel dry them well. They eat best 1/2 hour after a swim in 2 to 3 in.'s of water. I really believe the heat is having an impact but I did visit the vet to be sure twice with different pups and Mum of the litter.

Let us know how the vet visit goes.

P.S. I'm not hungry at all and dropped 18 lbs throughout this summer without trying to.

Re: Not eating well.

Yes and then there are young dogs like our 14 month old who decided she didn't want to eat breakfast until noon or early afternoon. This started a couple months ago. The thought ran across my mind that she may have an intestinal blockage but she was never happier running around playing with her yard buddies, no temp no signs what so ever.

Then last week our 5 yr old boy got an intestinal blockage from eating a Soup Bone. Our first experience with a blockage. You will know when your dog has an intestinal blockage..they don't eat, clearly don't feel good and they vomit and the vomit is very nasty smelling, more so than normal.

With my young girl, I think she is going through a food phase. Against my better judgement, I started adding canned dog food in her kibble to entice her. Sure enough, she started eating in the morning but now she assumes I am going to always add the canned goodies to her kibble.

Re: Not eating well.

Try adding a little water. Enough to cover 1/2 the meal. Let it make a little gravy but don't let it get soggy.

Good Luck, have you DNA tested????????