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stud collection/management

I have been in the breed less then 10 years so I am still learning. I am looking for the advice and wisdom of those who are more experienced then I. I have a young stud dog (under 16 months) that I have collected on several occasions. However unlike my older boy who gives what I feel is a normal size collection, this younger male is only giving a 1 cc collection. It appears to the naked eye to be a rich collection however I have not taken him for a semen analysis yet since he is young.

Is a 1 cc collection normal for an inexperienced stud dog? I tried a teaser bitch but the collection amount was the same. Is a collection of 1 cc enough to extend and ship if its rich enough, and get a bitch pregnant? What would you advise to do to prepare a young male for stud use, and are there any supplements that can increase the size/quality of his collection?

Thank you in advance to those who want to teach and not flame someone who is only trying to learn

Re: stud collection/management

He is not giving you and prostratic fluid. This can happen with young/inexperienced dogs. I have a young male that did this first few times he was collected. I would just have the Minitube AI product on hand if you need to create volume for a side by side AI. 1 cc is not enough volume unless you are doing a TCI or surgical.

Re: stud collection/management

As the saying goes "it only takes a drop" so I personally feel a 1cc collection(sperm rich milky) added with extender if enough to get a bitch pregnant. I would have a semen analysis done just to confirm everything is OK but he is young. I had my boy's semen tested at one point at one of the AKC shows he was at and he only gave a 1cc collection. After analyzing his sperm I was advised that he was not giving me any pre or post ejaculate just the good stuff, so the if he produced 1cc in the future that I should be fine doing a side by side AI or adding with extender and shippping.

Re: stud collection/management

I am sorry..isn't that what I said?? You would need to add the extender to create volume for the actual AI. What she is getting in her collection is the sperm rich prostratic fluid which creates the volume. It is no different than collecting and spinning down and then extending. Sorry if I was not clear!

Re: stud collection/management

thank you both for sharing your experience!