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Mosquitoes are ferocious in Michigan this summer!

This last round of hot weather and downpours of rain have made the mosquitoes horrendous in mid-Michigan. What products are people using to keep mosquitoes off your dogs? (they are on Frontline already, but that doesn't repel mosquitoes obviously)

Re: Mosquitoes are ferocious in Michigan this summer!

I use Bronco spray from TSC. Labeled for horses.


Re: Mosquitoes are ferocious in Michigan this summer!

Even the horse spray doesn't keep them off for long. :(

Re: Mosquitoes are ferocious in Michigan this summer!

You have to think more globally. Use good bug-zappers each and every night. It will kill off a huge part of the population and thus minimize populations in future cycles and years.

also - remove standing water where they breed.

advantix supposedly repels mosquitoes. try it.

fog your yard with a mosquito fogger for a few nights and early mornings.

Re: Mosquitoes are ferocious in Michigan this summer!

I am surrounded by acreage and water. Standing water is everywhere. We expect to have SOME mosquitos but what we have right now is beyond words. The heat added to the problems after 3" of rain. I will try the eucalyptus oil and Listerine.

Re: Mosquitoes are ferocious in Michigan this summer!

Listerine doesn't work:

Re: Mosquitoes are ferocious in Michigan this summer!

And the same for these home remedies for mosquito repellants: