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Is this a MISMARK?

I have a 5 week old chocolate that appears to be structurally beautiful, great head, great bone, etc until we took the litter outside for the first time yesterday. There I noticed a patch on the puppies hip area about the size of a large postage stamp of very dark chocolate fur ( might be black but I think it is rich dark chocolate). This coat is different then the rest of her - soft and fuzzy. I noticed this area once or twice before but just thought it is wet from laying in something ot playing in water. Has anyone seen anything like this?

Re: Is this a MISMARK?

Post a photo of it as your "Avitar" so we can see it.

Re: Is this a MISMARK?

Are you sure it's not some top coat coming in?

Re: Is this a MISMARK?

I had a chocolate with a black patch about half the size of a penney on her ribs. I would consider it a mismark like the spotted Labs...but that's me