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First season/ age?

I am just wondering something. At what age is the oldest that you had a female have her first season? We have a 20 month old female here who has not had her first season. Her dam was 14 months old when she had her first season, her 2nd season was 12 months later. We joke and say she will probably come in season right when we get ready to do her OFA! I think it is likely with her lol. Just thought I would post and see what the oldest was for someone else.

Re: First season/ age?

I have a girl that was 27 months old when she had her first season. She is now a 7 to 9 monther now. I have another girl same line that is 22 months and still no season. Her mom and sisters were from 12 to 14 months with there first season.

Re: First season/ age?

25 months was my oldest. Completely normal, as were her delayed OFAs, done at 28 months.

Re: First season/ age?

25 months for me, and I hadn't yet done final OFA's. She cycles about every 11-12 months and has since had 2 normal litters. A daughter from her first litter is now 15 months and hasn't been in season yet. But her mother, grandmother, & great-grandmother all came into season between 9 & 14 months initially & cycled every 6-8 months.

Re: First season/ age?

21 months for mine. In fact 18 months is the most common time for my girls. they don't like to rush into anything.

Re: First season/ age?

15 months here...

Re: First season/ age?

12 months

Re: First season/ age?

3 years 2 months. Her next season was 14 months later and she was spayed after that. Her mom was 22 months when she first came in and cycled regularly every 7 months.

Re: First season/ age?

Just one intact girl here, but she came in for the first time in February, when she was 20 months. Hasn't come in again yet ... her breeder is guessing maybe September.

Re: First season/ age?

19.5 mos so far, and currently she's 8.5 mos out and not had her 2nd season--- this is kind of nice!

I have a field friend who sold a bitch pup to another breeder that hasn't cycled at nearly 3 yrs and now is having problems w/ the owner who apparently thinks she should replace the girl AND give her purchase $ back due to the "investment" thus far in the bitch (just basics, no training/competition). I told her to tell her buyer to go jump in a lake re: the double refund...

Re: First season/ age?

22 months. Her 2nd season was 18 months after that.

Re: First season/ age?

Know a breeder that had a bitch come in first time at age 5..........

Got one litter out of her.

Re: First season/ age?

To 5 years

Have yours come into season yet? If so, when?

That's pretty amazing!