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NLR - Chessie question

Not sure if we have any Chessie knowledgable folks out there, but if so I have a question. 6 month old male Chessie that tires out in the heat very fast. My 2 1/2 year old lab runs circles around him. He gets tired fast and looks for a place to lay down and rest. Yes - it was hot - but I am using my girl as a ruler and she could have kept going lots longer. Normal? Reason for concern?
Thanks for any input.

Re: NLR - Chessie question

Chessies can have EIC and cardiac issues. Have you had your dog examined?

Re: NLR - Chessie question

Not my dog, a friends. But yes, that crossed my mind. Breeder is telling my friend that Chessies can't handle the heat and it is perfectly normal. Could be right, but again my Labrador ruler had me concerned.
Maybe I can convice them to come to my clinic.

Re: NLR - Chessie question

Yes, chessie's can have EIC and heart problems. I have been in chessie's for over 15yrs. Some breeders are checking for EIC in there chessie lines.

Re: NLR - Chessie question

I would not expect a 6 month old lab puppy to keep up with a 2-1/2 year old lab. Would you expect a 9-10 year old child to have the strength and endurance of a fit person in their 20's?

Re: NLR - Chessie question

Agreed - hopefully the lines were checked but I needed a boot in the pants to remember he is only 6 months old - even though he has my girl beat in size! I'm sure I will see a lot of him as he matures and I can keep an eye on him, but I agree it is probably normal for his age.