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Chipped tooth

One of our keeper puppies is now 10 weeks old and 3-4 days ago he jumped up on the hutch and smacked his mouth off one of the metal knobs. When he walked away his mouth looked like it was locked open and he was fighting it so I went over and saw what was wrong, it appeared to be nothing and he shut his mouth. The next feeding he wouldn't eat and everyday he eats slowly now. I finally got in his mouth and saw one of his lower canines snapped almost all the way down. What can I do to help him feel better? He still plays and bites like a puppy, just doesn't like eating now. Will this tooth fall out when the other adult teeth start to come in? When will this happen? TIA

Re: Chipped tooth

Best bet is to have it removed. why wait? the risks are hefty.

Re: Chipped tooth

Given how far down it snapped, I would remove it. The nerve could be exposed. If it were less breakage, I would leave it be and watch it. JMO. Has your vet seen it?

Re: Chipped tooth

the vet hasn't seen it yet, but I am going in one monday with another dog so I could bring him. He seems much better now. He is eating his food with lots of enthusiasm, not even flinching without it softened. I am still going to speak to the vet about it.