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Handlers Again

Thought I would throw this question out here. My dog was with a handler and besides the dog doing nothing for the few months the handler had him, got 1 pt and charged mucho money. Then got my dog back in good condition, except, his tail looks like a Irish Setter, not trimmed at all? Wondering if this is the reason the dog did nothing? The question is, I was charged for a show, were my dog was marked Absent? Called the handler and asked the handler, "what gives?" I was told, that the dog was shown and the judge was from Mexico My question is should I pay for this show? I don't think I should, seeing that it is up to the handler to make sure that if my dog is in the ring, my dog shouldn't be marked absent.
Also, have people at the show telling me the handler was asleep outside the ring. I don't know if the handler was sleeping when my dog should have been shown, but since my dog was marked absent, who knows Would you pay for this?

Re: Handlers Again

No wouldn't.
You need to keep an eye on your dog. Otherwise, the handler doesn't care if the dog finishes.
You can always get somebody you can trust.

Re: Handlers Again

If the dog was marked absent then you should not pay handling fee. You would be responsible for the entry fee though and possibly part of the travel expense if the dog did travel to the show and just wasn't shown.

Re: Handlers Again

If the dog was supposed to have been shown and was not, why would the owner be responsible for any expenses? The only reason the dog was sent was to be shown, not to be filler for expenses.

I would find a new handler, one you can trust.

Re: Handlers Again

I keep going back to your tail description. Are you saying your dog's tail is feathery if it's not trimmed? Do you not see this as a problem, if so? I don't trim tails and you shouldnt have to if your dog has a proper tail and coat.

Re: Handlers Again

I keep going back to your tail description. Are you saying your dog's tail is feathery if it's not trimmed? Do you not see this as a problem, if so? I don't trim tails and you shouldnt have to if your dog has a proper tail and coat.


This stuck out to me as well. Your description of your dog's tail was bothersome to me. I have never trimmed my dog's tails with the exception of the really long twizzle at the end. I have snipped the tip a bit before, but rarely.

I'd definitely scrap the handler, but if I were you I'd consider scrapping the dog too. If your dog has been out so long with a handler and only gotten one point, that doesn't sound good all the way around.

I hate to bring this up, but if your handler is a very good handler or has a great rep in Labs, maybe he is just using you for cash and knows your dog doesn't stand a chance, so he hardly tries with him. (sounds like this is what's going on here)

If you haven't been doing this long you may want to introduce yourself to some breeders in your area that can honestly evaulate your dog for you. They might have something for you to show too.

Good luck anyway. I know dog showing can be frustrating at times. I hope you enjoy much success.

Re: Handlers Again

Yes, the tail thing bothers me alot. Didn't show, don't pay for ring time. But those who know the dogs are out of coat, not a good topline, limping and still send a dog, are wasting money. They should know it. A handler needs dogs to pay the expenses, if you keep giving them your dog, of course, they will take it. Look twice or three times at your dog. Are they in top shape ? Ask another breeder what they think. Dogs go in and out of looking good enough to show. To show during a off time is just throwing your money in the air.

Re: Handlers Again

Sounds like you have a bad handler. The handler I have used for years has told me and others when a dog either will never finish or will take forever to finish. A handler who continues to show your dog under the circumstances you describe is not worthy of your trust. And I agree with others, you need to ask other breeders and maybe handlers what they think of your dog's show prospects.

Re: Handlers Again

Thank you for your response and I have been in labs for over 25yrs. I have finished labs and just sent my boy out to get majors if possible. The handler told me when he got the dog, that he would have him finished at the end of the summer. I asked him when he got him to evaluate the dog and not to take him if he felt he couldn't do anything in that area. I got some points myself on the dog. The dog has a proper coat, he just looked unkept in the tail area. I know of many labs that are trimmed, so the tail wraps better. This was not done, perhaps the statement I made was a little harsh, but it did remind me of a unwrapped look and more like a Irish Setter tail.
I will not pay him for the absent show, will pay for the travel expense and have learned my lesson. It has been years since I used a handler, this is a good handler from what I heard, and thought the handler to be trustworthy? I was also told my dog was a spoiled house dog House dog yes, spoiled, no. My house dogs have rules in the house. I never had a problem showing him. But, from what other handlers in the area told me, I picked the wrong handler for the dog and the handler was unable to move the dog properly. I have the dog back and will see what I can do myself. I pulled the dog, after hearing from other handlers about the bad performance and presentation this handler made with my dog. I guess you live and learn.

Re: Handlers Again

Why not name this handler?

These folks are professionals and should be public domain,, They take dogs, some who would not finish without their touch. They also take a lot of money.

Re: Handlers Again

Why not name this handler? These folks are professionals and should be public domain,They take dogs, some who would not finish without their touch. They also take a lot of money.

They are also protected by libel laws. A person has to be very careful what they say about another, particularly if it likely to damage their ability to make a living.

Don't forget that there are 2 sides to every story.

You would need to be darned sure of your facts and be able to prove them before you start naming names. Heresay and unsubstantiated claims are not admissable as evidence.

I'm not saying who is right or wrong here, I don't know the facts. I am just offering my thoughts as part of the discussion.

Re: Handlers Again

I've seen many a dog win with a bad topline, bad tail set, no coat, lame, the list goes on and on, but it was shown by a handler. I don't know what's going on lately at the all-breed shows, but some of the dogs out there winning look like poor quality pets, does seem like it's worse than it's been in the past.

Re: Handlers Again

I have seen a limping bitch win Reserve at a specialty under a breeder judge. I have also seen some horrid toplines and upright structure win big classes at specialties - it is not just All Breed judges that put this up.

Re: Handlers Again

AGREE! It seems WORSE at allbreed shows, but it's like some of these judges skimmed thru the AKC description of a Labrador 10 minutes before coming to judge, and if they see someone (a handler) they know, they just go with that dog, to be safe.