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Blowing coat

I have a nice young pup about 7 months of age. First lab that actually has a really nice coat. First time I ever had one start to blow so early though. Since he's young, I thought he's keep this coat for a while longer before blowing it.

I am imagining it will come back as nicely as it was. HOPEFULLY!


Re: Blowing coat

I have a dog that had a fabulous hairy wavy coat as a puppy. After it shed out he grew a very correct, short, hard, double coat that is dense and profuse. However it isn't long or excessively wavy. You would not refer to him as dripping in coat but it is a correct coat in all ways. Coats are like a box of chocolates... Oh wait, that is Forrest Gump...

Re: Blowing coat

The same thing is happening to two 9 months old puppies I have. My puppies usually keep their nice coats through the first summer and all the way to their second summer. Not these puppies/year. Too much heat? maybe. SHows would have to wait.

Re: Blowing coat

I've got to say the same thing here with my 7 mos. old and never remember a pup blowing coat like that before. Sure could use it back. Hard enough looking at some at that age.

Re: Blowing coat

Same thing here. Both my 7 month old girls have been blowing their gorgeous puppy coats for weeks now It's definitely the lingering heat this summer as mine also hang onto a puppy coat for a year or more.