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Arkansas Kennel Club Labrador Retriever Show

Arkansas Kennel Club Labrador Retriever Show

Congratulations to all the winners, there were a lot of nice dogs shown.

The cookout was a blast everyone had a great time.

Thanks to all the Arkansas Breeders that contributed to the food and breed prizes , not to mention all the work.

Special thanks to Elgin Hamner of Hot Springs Western Sizzlin who donated much of the food , we all owe him a big thank you. He is a great friend of our breed.

Bill Bennett ,Show Chair , always does all he can to help the Lab show.

Linda Benarski and Lori Bentine for an outstanding job judging .

Those who entered , paid the bills. Thanks
We had a great time, Mike and Lenore

Re: Arkansas Kennel Club Labrador Retriever Show


So wish I could have been there!! Congrats to all the winners!

Re: Arkansas Kennel Club Labrador Retriever Show

Oops, Hot Springs doesn’t have a Western Sizzlin, Elgin is in Benton. Let everyone know so they can be patrons of the correct store.